[Abstract]:Since the new curriculum reform, Chinese scholars have done a lot of research on chemistry textbook exercises, including the study on the characteristics, compilation and exercise teaching of textbook exercises. In addition, many researchers put forward suggestions and suggestions on chemistry exercises from different angles. However, the research on chemistry textbook exercises is still very weak in our country. It is found that the current research on textbook exercises focuses on the breadth (quantity, type, material) and difficulty of the exercises. But few people from the student's cognitive psychology angle carries on the psychological aspect exploration to the exercise. Based on this, this paper takes the module exercises and curriculum standards of the required chemistry textbook as the object of study, and uses the two-dimensional framework of Bloom's new taxonomy of cognitive goals as a tool. To investigate the distribution and consistency of the two dimensions of knowledge and cognitive process. The results show that: first, in the knowledge dimension, the chemistry compulsory textbook exercises and curriculum standards are mainly "conceptual knowledge", the proportion of each type of knowledge is equal, there is good consistency between the two; second, In the dimension of cognitive process, chemistry compulsory textbook exercises and curriculum standards are mainly "understanding" type, "evaluation" type is the least involved. But at the level of "analysis", the proportion involved in the curriculum standard is far less than that in chemistry 1, chemistry 2 textbook exercises. The focus of the investigation between the two is different, and the consistency is not good. Based on the results, the author finds that the new classification of Bloom's cognitive goals is also helpful to exercise teaching and exercise compilation, hoping to provide theoretical basis for first-line teachers in exercise teaching, and provide reference and inspiration for the revision of chemistry compulsory textbook exercises.
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