[Abstract]:Textbooks and teachers go hand in hand, teachers even regard textbooks as air-like existence. Teachers generally understand the content of Chinese curriculum through Chinese textbooks and define the scope of students' study. Textbooks almost become a substitute for the courses operated by Chinese teachers in practice. Therefore, we can regard the teaching of teachers' use of textbooks as a process of implementation of written curriculum. Based on this, this paper classifies teachers' textbook usage methods from the viewpoint of curriculum implementation: loyalty view, adjustment view, and textbook usage mode under the concept of creation, on the basis of which a self-designed questionnaire is used. In this paper, 310 Chinese teachers from rural areas in Northwest China (compulsory education stage) were investigated and the main factors influencing the use of textbooks were preliminarily explored. The main conclusions are as follows: teachers' understanding of the link between curriculum standards and textbooks needs to be strengthened; teachers generally tend to use Chinese textbooks in accordance with the content of textbooks. At the same time, appropriate adjustment will be made according to different factors; teachers generally lack of communication with their colleagues in the use of textbooks. According to the conclusion, this paper puts forward three suggestions for teachers: to deepen the understanding of the connection between Curriculum Standard and Chinese textbooks, to get rid of the "stereotype" of thinking in Chinese teaching, to pay close attention to the research results of Chinese academic circles, and to enrich the way of reading textbooks. Improve the consciousness of reflection on the use of textbooks, and strengthen the communication between colleagues. At the same time, the author suggests that teachers should be encouraged to study textbooks in order to cultivate a rich view of textbooks, and to set up a plural communication platform to provide two suggestions for textbook compilation and revision. Finally, through the research of this paper, we try to awaken teachers' consciousness of introspection on how to use their own textbooks, so as to optimize their textbook usage within a reasonable scope. To improve the use of their own textbooks to provide a certain basis, finally, in order to achieve their own professional development, can meet the expectations of textbooks given by the community.
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