[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the popularization of information technology, students in the relatively simple campus environment have been affected by various aspects. Some follow the bad social atmosphere, think that reading is useless; some come to study for their parents; some do not want to be called to work, but choose to read. Therefore, this has also led some students to show that they do not take part in the study, such as not listening to lectures in class, not doing homework, and taking a casual attitude towards learning, especially for more abstract mathematics. Whether in behavior participation or psychological involvement and cognition, it is very difficult for them to really engage in learning. At the same time, the traditional teaching method still occupies the leading position in mathematics classroom, and the phenomenon of one-sided pursuit of students' learning achievement still exists in many junior high schools. In this way, teachers only pay attention to "teaching" and neglect students "learning", and the phenomenon of "non-participation" in class is serious. Therefore, the participation of students in the process of mathematics classroom teaching has become a prominent problem that teachers, schools and society pay close attention to. How to arouse the students' initiative and enthusiasm to participate in the mathematics class to the greatest extent? According to Professor Kong Qiping (2003)'s questionnaire on students' participation in Mathematics classroom, this paper investigates the problem of students' participation in mathematics classroom teaching. The main problems of this study are as follows: first, the present situation of students' participation in mathematics classroom teaching. Second, rural junior high school students and urban junior high school students participate in mathematics classroom. Third, according to the findings of the relevant recommendations. Through my investigation and research, I hope to help the classroom teaching reform of junior high school mathematics.
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