[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the evolvement course and trend of K-12 National physical Education Standard in 1995, 2005 and 2013, and mainly analyzes the change of National physical Education Standard. The requirements of PE teachers and the influence of students' sports activities were compared and analyzed. The establishment of national school physical education standards in the United States is becoming more and more clear and specific, with more emphasis on the cultivation of students' individual sports literacy, and more emphasis on students' responsibility for individual and social behavior in physical education. More emphasis on the value of physical education to the individual growth of students; Affected by the changes in standards, more and more states put forward physical education requirements and weekly PE class hours for primary, middle and high schools, and more states allowed students to study online and allow students to replace and exempt because of illness. The number of states that give up physical education and have no significant impact on the physical education requirements of high school graduates, student health assessment and accountability; The revision of the standard has a positive effect on students' participation in physical activities and physical education, but has no significant effect on reducing and controlling students' overweight and obesity detection rate. Inspiration: to include students' physical education achievements in the total academic achievement; to formulate effective measures to improve the quality of professional development of physical education teachers; to achieve physical education through multiple channels; to organize diversified sports activities; and to establish personal files of students'"fitness cards".
【作者单位】: 河南大学体育学院;
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