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发布时间:2018-12-23 18:19
【摘要】:问题解决在教与学中的重要作用,引起了各国的重视。美国、新加坡、英国等国家在课程标准中提出要培养学生的问题解决能力,有些国家教材的编写也围绕问题解决设计。我国在新课程改革中也提出要重视培养学生的问题解决能力。那么学生的问题解决能力到底如何,处于一个什么样的水平,社会、学校和老师应该从哪些方面努力去改变不足,培养和提高学生的问题解决能力。因此问题解决能力的测评就彰显了它的作用,它自然也得到了重视,比较有名的国际比较研究之一,The Programme For International Student Assessment,国际学生评估项目,它关注和测评的是学生是否具备了应对未来生活的知识和技能,是否能够运用这些知识和技能解决现实中的问题,PISA2003中增设了问题解决能力的测量项目,以评估学生解决现实生活问题的水平。本论文中物理问题解决能力的测量就是借鉴PISA2003对问题解决能力的测评框架及McREL中的问题解决等文献而形成的评价指标。本研究是针对中学生物理问题解决能力的现状调查,以河南省某中学高二年级四个班的学生为研究对象,以高中物理力和运动专题的内容为知识载体,评价学生的物理问题解决能力。首先研究者结合高中物理课标对必修1中力和运动模块的要求筛选、改编原始物理问题形成问卷,在问题解决能力文献指标的指导下,建立相应的具体的评价标准。然后运用测验法收集数据,再对数据进行处理和分析,得到的研究结论如下:1.整体来看,高中学生的物理问题解决能力水平偏低,其总分基本符合正态分布。就物理问题解决能力的各维度而言,其中学生理解问题的能力较强,辨别问题的能力次之,表述问题的能力和运用物理规律解决物理问题的能力均较弱。2.物理问题解决的各维度与问题解决能力均显著性相关,其中任一维度的水平都会在很大程度上影响学生物理问题解决能力的高低。其中辨别问题与物理问题解决能力的相关系数为0.918,说明辨别问题能力的水平对它的影响优于其他子维度。3.以性别为变量,高二学生的物理问题解决能力不存在显著差异;以学生的物理成绩为变量,高二学生的物理问题解决能力与其显著相关。
[Abstract]:The important role of problem-solving in teaching and learning has attracted the attention of all countries. The United States, Singapore, Britain and other countries in the curriculum standards proposed to develop students' problem-solving ability, and some national textbooks are also designed around problem-solving. In the course of the new curriculum reform, our country also puts forward that we should pay attention to the cultivation of students' ability to solve problems. Well, what is the student's problem-solving ability, what level is it at? what aspects should the society, schools and teachers do to improve the students' problem-solving ability and to improve the students' problem-solving ability? Therefore, the evaluation of problem-solving ability has highlighted its role, and naturally it has also been taken seriously. One of the more famous international comparative studies, the, The Programme For International Student Assessment, International Student Assessment Project, It focuses on and evaluates whether students have the knowledge and skills to cope with future life, and whether they can use these knowledge and skills to solve problems in reality. To assess students' ability to solve real-life problems. The measurement of physical problem-solving ability in this paper is an evaluation index based on PISA2003's evaluation framework of problem-solving ability and McREL's problem-solving. This research is aimed at investigating the present situation of middle school students' physical problem-solving ability, taking the students of the four classes of grade two in a middle school in Henan Province as the research object, taking the contents of the physics force and the sports topic of the senior middle school as the knowledge carrier. Evaluate students' ability to solve physical problems. According to the requirement of force and motion module in required course 1, the researcher first adapts the original physics question to form a questionnaire, and establishes the corresponding concrete evaluation standard under the guidance of the literature index of problem solving ability. Then the data are collected by using the test method, and then the data are processed and analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: 1. As a whole, the physics problem solving ability of senior high school students is low, and the total score accords with normal distribution. As far as the dimensions of physics problem solving ability are concerned, the ability of students to understand the problem is stronger, the ability to distinguish the problem is the second, the ability to express the problem and the ability to solve the physics problem with the physics law are all weak. 2. Each dimension of physical problem-solving is significantly related to problem-solving ability and the level of each dimension will greatly affect the students' ability to solve physical problems. The correlation coefficient between the ability to distinguish the problem and the ability to solve the physical problem is 0.918, which shows that the level of the ability to distinguish the problem has a better effect on it than the other sub-dimensions. Taking gender as the variable, there is no significant difference in physics problem-solving ability of senior two students, and the physics problem solving ability of senior two students is significantly related to their physics achievement as variable.


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