[Abstract]:Mathematics is the natural language of physics learning. As a tool, mathematics is widely used in the field of physics. In the process of physics teaching and learning in senior high school, mathematics is inseparable from mathematical tools. Under the background of the new curriculum reform, under the idea of "changing the subject standard and emphasizing the subject penetration", and on the basis of the reality of the actual division teaching, this paper investigates and analyzes the correlation among the high school students' academic achievement of mathematics physics. The mathematical knowledge base needed in physics learning in senior high school and the degree of knowledge connection between the two subjects in the arrangement of teaching schedule between mathematics and physics are discussed in this paper. On this basis, the practical teaching research on the influence of mathematics knowledge on physics learning in senior high school is carried out. Based on the results of three years' high school entrance examination of the students of Dandong class 2011, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the correlation between the results of physics mathematics study in senior high schools by using spss19.0. Based on the mathematics physics teaching materials and teaching progress used in the senior middle school in the course of the new curriculum reform in Liaoning Province, this paper analyzes the related knowledge points and teaching progress of mathematics physics, and finds out the connection between the two subjects. Taking the influence of mathematical knowledge of trigonometric functions and vectors on physics learning as an example, the practical teaching is carried out, and the relevant conclusions are drawn. The main conclusions are as follows: there is a significant positive correlation between senior high school mathematics physics scores; High school physics learning needs a lot of mathematics knowledge as the basis, in the course of high school teaching, there is a disjointed phenomenon between subjects, and some mathematics knowledge in physics learning has serious lag phenomenon. The results of practical teaching show that the lagging mathematical knowledge has a significant effect on physics learning, especially on secondary students. Based on the conclusion, this paper gets some enlightenment, on the basis of the actual teaching, we should pay attention to the communication between subjects, so that the teachers can better understand each other's subject structure and teaching progress. In the process of teaching, we can clearly understand the students' knowledge structure and make it more suitable for the students' cognitive structure.
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