[Abstract]:At present, there are many researches on how to improve students' English reading ability by using schema theory in language teaching. However, there are few researches on how to improve students' English writing ability by using schema theory. By applying schema theory to the teaching of argumentative writing in senior high school students, this paper aims to explore the influence of this theory on students' writing ability in argumentative writing. Find effective ways and means to improve their writing ability. Therefore, based on the relationship between schema theory and learning, this experiment tries to further study the guiding role of schema theory in English writing, with the aim of providing some guidance for improving English writing in middle schools. The research questions in this experiment are as follows: (1) what is the current situation of argumentative writing in senior high school students? (2) can schema theory be applied to improve students' argumentative writing level? The test lasted three months. The subjects were two classes of 110 students from No.1 Middle School in Linze County, Gansu Province. The students were divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group. The former uses traditional methods to train English writing, while the latter uses schemata to train English writing. The first chapter is an overview. In this part, the weak problems in middle school English writing are put forward, and the purpose and significance of this experiment are demonstrated. The second chapter is the literature review. This chapter reviews the early studies of English writing both at home and abroad. The great achievements made by previous researchers in writing teaching can be seen in this way. They provide strong evidence of their role in improving their writing skills. The third chapter introduces the schema theory and gives a general overview of the development of schema theory. Through research, many language pioneers have proved that schema theory can effectively explain how learners process and clarify information. Therefore, schema theory is used to guide language teaching and learning. This chapter also illustrates the classification of schemata: linguistic schema, content schema, formal schema. The fourth chapter is experimental research. This is the most important chapter of this paper. This chapter is a concrete report on the test method and the whole test process. And put forward the question of this experiment. The collection and analysis of all data are described in detail in this chapter. The fifth chapter is the result and discussion of the experiment. The data show that the English writing level of middle school students can be improved under the guidance of appropriate teaching methods. Because of the lack of content schema and formal schema, and the failure of existing schema activation, the improvement of their writing skills is affected. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) through questionnaires and pre-test we can see that there is almost no audience awareness in their minds. Even when they think, they see their teacher as their audience or reader rather than their native English audience. In addition, their attitude to English learning and their interest in English writing are also very poor. At the same time, the lack of educational theory training is also obvious. (2) through the research, we can see that it is an effective teaching method to apply schema theory to senior high school students' writing. It reduces the writing time of the students and improves the efficiency of classroom writing. The students in the experimental group improve their writing ability by 5-6 points.
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