[Abstract]:The independent selection of teachers returns the autonomy of training to teachers, which changes the phenomenon of "subject dislocation" in traditional training. Under the background of big data, with the help of big data's mode of thinking and problem-solving methods, this paper re-understands the value of selection data, and explores the relationship between teachers and curriculum data by mining and using the real data of independent selection of teachers' training. It is found that there is a phenomenon of "uneven cold and heat" in the independent selection of teachers' training, and there are some phenomena such as "coping" and "blind learning". It is suggested that attention should be paid to the overall curriculum planning and teachers' professional development planning, as well as to the role of information technology in teacher training.
【作者单位】: 宁波教育学院;
【基金】:全国教育信息技术2015年课题“基于大数据技术的教师培训需求研究”(课题编号:156232716) 浙江省2016年教育技术研究规划课题“基于学习分析技术的中小学教师网络培训有效性研究”(课题编号:JB142)
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