本文选题:特殊教育教师 切入点:榜样激励 出处:《西南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:An incentive is a common means of education. That Bandura's social learning theory, human beings can be observed through the imitation model and acquisition to adapt to social behavior. Many excellent traditional example motivation is the Chinese nation since ancient China attaches great importance to education and example to inspire people to work hard to self-reliance, for a long time. For example, although China's incentive has some research, but the research object is mainly the general population, many studies remain in the analysis of empirical and descriptive level, lack of empirical research as support. In our country, the hearing impaired students is a large group, because of the defect of the body and the hearing impaired students, physical and mental development is not mature, they look at problems often lead to one-sided, once encountered setbacks and difficulties, it is prone to complain, discouraged, self-esteem and other psychological problems. Especially for the hearing impaired students An incentive to special education teachers, in order to have a healthy psychological, unremitting self-improvement. Therefore, we are necessary to study the special education teacher's example inspired effect on hearing impaired students self-reliance. This study makes up the shortage of domestic research in this aspect, is conducive to further improve the special education teacher's example inspired education, in order to improve the hearing impaired students' ability of self strengthening, to provide empirical evidence for education countermeasures. The results of this study are: (1) the special education teachers self "model for the hearing impaired students motivation questionnaire > and < the hearing impaired students ability of self adaptation questionnaire" has good reliability and validity, and strictly comply with the requirements for the education measurement, can as a measurement tool for this study. (2) for the hearing impaired students of special education teachers incentive model is divided into three dimensions, the scores from high to low according to the Time is: Teachers' peer model incentive model incentive model incentive. The mass media (3) in the example motivation score, deaf deaf students with hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than the residual hearing; hearing impaired middle school students in rural areas was significantly higher than that of hearing impaired students in urban areas; excellent grades, hearing impaired students good relationship between teachers and students. The score was significantly higher than that of poor grades, hearing impaired students poor teacher-student relationship. (4) in the teachers' example motivation dimensions, excellent grades, hearing impaired students good relationship between teachers and students was significantly higher than that of poor academic performance, the hearing impaired students poor teacher-student relationship. (5) in the peer model incentive dimension, rural deaf middle school students scored significantly higher than the town of hearing-impaired middle school students; academic excellence, teacher-student relationship is very good hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than the poor grades, teachers and students The relationship between poor hearing impaired students. (6) in the mass media model incentive dimension, deaf hearing impaired students score higher than a hearing impaired students residual hearing; hearing impaired students in rural areas was significantly higher than that of hearing impaired students in urban areas; hearing-impaired students hearing impaired students good relationship between teachers and students scored significantly higher than the poor (the relationship between teachers and students. 7) the hearing impaired students ability of self has four dimensions, the score of each dimension from high to low is: independent living, social independence learning psychological independence. Independence (8) in the total rural self-reliance questionnaire, hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than the town of hearing-impaired middle school students; excellent grades, hearing impaired students good relationship between teachers and students. The score was significantly higher than that of poor grades, hearing impaired students poor teacher-student relationship. (9) on the social dimension of self-reliance, outstanding achievement, teacher-student relationship is very good Deaf students scored significantly higher than poor grades, hearing impaired students poor teacher-student relationship. (10) in the individual dimension, the hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than the town of hearing-impaired middle school students; academic excellence, teacher-student relationship is very good hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than the poor grades, hearing impaired students poor teacher-student relationship (11.) in self-help dimensions, the hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than the town of hearing-impaired middle school students; academic excellence, teacher-student relationship is very good hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than the academic performance is poor, the hearing impaired students poor teacher-student relationship. (12) in the mental dimension, grade two hearing impaired students scored significantly higher than other grades deaf students; hearing impaired students good relationship between teachers and students scored significantly higher than the poor relationship between teachers and students. (13) the mass media model incentive, peer An example of motivation, teachers' incentive and incentive model example scores and hearing-impaired middle school students' life learning self-reliance, self-reliance, social independence, was positively related to psychological independence and self-reliance ability score. (14) according to the results of this study, we propose the special education teachers should teach students in accordance with their aptitude, to carry out various forms of moral example education activities; special education teachers should pay attention to their words and deeds, in knowledge, moral education for hearing-impaired middle school students set a good example; hearing impaired students psychological strategies self-reliance and give relevant support.
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