本文选题:学习型城市 + 乏力性 ; 参考:《职教论坛》2017年22期
[Abstract]:Writing in the second term of the Journal of Hebei normal University in 2017, Wang Ren analyzed the bottleneck factors affecting and restricting the healthy development of a learning city, and summed up the criteria for determining the construction of a learning city. And share the positive results and development results of the construction of learning city. When the whole society attaches great importance to the construction of learning-type city and vigorously promotes it, the construction of learning-type society will keep on going along the direction that the people want. However, in this process, there are still some problems and phenomena, which become the bottleneck factors that affect and restrict the healthy development of learning cities, which are manifested in the following four aspects: first, The shackles of the promotion of the single main body with the leading role of the educational institution; the second, the weakness of the propulsion subject led by the government organization unilaterally; and the third, the weakness of the promotion subject led by the government organization
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