[Abstract]:In the field of rehabilitation services for autistic children, parent education services help parents master rehabilitation skills through training their intervention skills to improve the rehabilitation effect of autistic children and relieve the stress of parenting. The parent education service for autistic children in mainland China is still in its infancy. Although there are some empirical studies to prove the effectiveness of parent education, the mode of imparting service has also aroused many doubts. This paper makes a critical reflection on the existing educational service models, concepts and professional relationships of autistic children in the mainland of China, and then proposes a new cooperative service model. The new model focuses on the needs and empowerment of parents in services, on the maintenance of family relationships in parent education services and on working with experts, groups and communities to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills by parents in the process. The exploration of paternity meaning and the promotion of power.
【作者单位】: 香港中文大学社会工作系;
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