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发布时间:2018-12-29 14:26
[Abstract]:Under the background of the popularization of lifelong learning concept, China's continuing education is also faced with great opportunities for transformation and development. Based on the characteristics of continuing education students, the previous education model can not meet the needs of the students in continuing education to diversify their learning forms at any time, anywhere, and at the same time, it limits the students' freedom and initiative in learning. Nowadays, Internet technology and communication technology are developing rapidly, and the renewal and popularization of mobile terminal equipment are changing with each passing day. Therefore, mobile learning, a new learning method, emerges as the times require, and silently influences the field of continuing education, which makes the whole education field pour resources here. Mobile learning is a novel and convenient new learning method, which changes the limitation of the inherent educational model to the object, time and space of education, and also resolves the contradiction between engineering and learning brought about by traditional continuing education. This makes it easier for continuing education students to use fragmented time to organize their studies autonomously and effectively. Students can also choose the content of mobile learning according to their own cultural basis, knowledge structure, work experience, life experience and so on, find problems at any time, find answers, and formulate individualized learning methods. Compared with the traditional way of continuing education, this learning method is more suitable for adults' ability of self-control and active learning. When a problem is discovered, mobile terminal becomes an effective platform for teachers and students to communicate and interact, share experiences and experience, and explore some problems. This kind of interaction can arouse the enthusiasm of the students, improve the students' communication ability, and make the teachers and students progress and grow together, and form cooperative learning and socialized learning. As we all know, good learning is inseparable from good environment, and so is mobile learning in continuing education. But what is different from the traditional learning environment is that mobile learning needs the support of hardware, technology, manpower, learning and other resources. So the creation of these resources is the guarantee of mobile learning environment. In addition to the learning environment, the development of mobile learning also depends on the learning model. According to the current situation of wireless communication technology, the mobile learning mode in continuing education is divided into three types: the mobile learning mode based on short message, the mobile learning mode of online real-time interaction, the mobile learning mode of online browsing. These models have also been put into practice in continuing education and teaching. However, the current mobile learning in the continuing education is still in the initial stage, the gradual maturity of educational information technology promotes the advantages of digital learning in mobile learning, and makes up for the lack of some aspects of the traditional continuing education curriculum. In line with the concept of lifelong education, there will be great potential for development in the future. The attitude and concept of mobile learning can not be fixed, it will be gradually popularized with the development of economy and society, so it is impossible to strengthen the popularization and application of mobile learning in continuing education.


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