发布时间:2019-01-15 23:03
[Abstract]:Just days ago, OECD released its findings on the state of adult skills development in Australia: building skills for all in Australia: policy insights from Adult skills. Based on the (PIAAC) results of adult skills survey conducted by OECD, the paper gives a general description of Australia's skill status and skills training advantages. The report suggests that literacy, calculation and problem-solving skills in Australia's adult population are generally medium to good. However, 20 percent of Australians-about 3 million-have lower literacy and numeracy skills. Compared with other countries, Australia
[Abstract]:Just days ago, OECD released its findings on the state of adult skills development in Australia: building skills for all in Australia: policy insights from Adult skills. Based on the (PIAAC) results of adult skills survey conducted by OECD, the paper gives a general description of Australia's skill status and skills training advantages. The report suggests that literacy, calculation and problem-solving skills in Australia's adult population are generally medium to good. However, 20 percent of Australians-about 3 million-have lower literacy and numeracy skills. Compared with other countries, Australia
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