[Abstract]:As we all know, early childhood is not only the key period of children's growth and development, but also the best time to cultivate children's self-care ability. it is the first step of children's independent development and one of the basic qualities to ensure the all-round development of young children. If children want to grow from "natural person" to "social person", self-service and self-care ability are essential. Although parents' upbringing concept is not the only factor affecting children's ability to take care of themselves, "parents are the first teachers of children", which are important people who get along with young children day and night, although parents' upbringing concept is not the only factor that affects children's ability to take care of themselves. Take on the important responsibility of raising young children. Parents' upbringing behavior directly affects the healthy growth of their children, and the upbringing concept, which is an important factor to guide the upbringing behavior, is the core factor of family education, and because the upbringing concept is the epistemological basis of upbringing behavior, upbringing style and so on. Parents' concept of upbringing determines their goal, attitude and way of educating their children, and affects the establishment of good parent-child relationship. Therefore, the concept of parental upbringing affects the development of young children from a macro point of view, plays an important role in the formation and cultivation of children's self-care ability, and ultimately affects the healthy development of children. This study is based on the rural parents and young children in Huaibei as the research object, using literature analysis and questionnaire survey, focusing on the concept of parental upbringing and the development of children's self-care ability in Huaibei rural areas to carry out a series of studies. It is found that: (1) the concept of parental upbringing and the self-care of young children in Huaibei rural areas are in the middle and upper level. (2) there is no significant difference in the concept of parental upbringing in Huaibei rural areas in terms of sex, in other variables: parents' educational level, sex, There are some significant differences in age, children's class and whether they are only children. (3) there is no significant difference in the self-care ability of children between father and mother, and there is no significant difference in sex of children, in other variables: parents' educational level, age, There are some significant differences in children's class and whether they are only children. (4) there is a significant positive correlation between the concept of parental upbringing and children's ability to take care of themselves in Huaibei rural areas, and the sense of educational effectiveness is effective. It is advocated that democratic interaction has a positive predictive effect on children's ability to take care of themselves.
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