[Abstract]:Chinese painting is the essence of Chinese traditional art and has a unique charm different from western painting. As an intuitive form of artistic expression, painting contains strong Chinese traditional characteristics, but its cultural connotation is difficult for foreign students to understand and understand. Foreign Chinese painting teaching, due to its "external" characteristics, is not only painting teaching, but also cultural teaching, and should be linked to Chinese teaching. Learning Chinese painting can also help foreign students to observe and understand Chinese culture from various angles, and to learn Chinese knowledge with the form of Chinese traditional painting art as the carrier. In recent years, the cause of teaching Chinese as a foreign language has flourished, and the teaching of Chinese painting for foreign students has gradually come into people's view. But so far, there is still a contradiction between the insufficient development of relevant theories in the teaching of Chinese painting abroad in the international Chinese language education, the insufficient attention paid by teaching units, the shortage of teaching materials and the shortage of teachers. Lack of theory, these factors lead to the slow development of external Chinese painting teaching. Based on the author's experience in the teaching of foreign Chinese painting, this paper studies the teaching of foreign Chinese painting. This paper analyzes and discusses the characteristics of Chinese painting and the necessity of teaching Chinese painting in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. This paper summarizes the similarities and differences between Chinese painting teaching and traditional Chinese painting teaching for foreign students. In the teaching of Chinese painting for foreign students, from easy to difficult, from structure to whole, combined with Chinese cultural knowledge and Chinese knowledge, This paper sets up the four basic principles of students' interest and accomplishment, and the combination of theory teaching and painting practice, and expounds systematically what to teach, how to teach, as well as the teaching plan and class time arrangement in the teaching of foreign Chinese painting. In order to standardize the external Chinese painting teaching play a role.
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