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发布时间:2018-04-10 14:26

  本文选题:黑龙江省 + 地方高校 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of diversified society, the development of higher education in China and the comprehensive quality of college students put forward higher requirements.As an important position in the second class of college students, college student associations make up for the deficiency of quality education in the classroom to a great extent, and play an important role in the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and ability.At the same time, to some extent, it promotes the healthy growth and smooth employment of college students, and is a bridge to actively guide college students to the society and adapt to the society.Therefore, a clear understanding of the current situation and problems of college student associations is not only conducive to the overall implementation of quality education for college students, but also provides a strong guarantee for the successful employment of college students.This paper takes the management of students' associations in local universities of science and engineering in Heilongjiang Province as the research object, and takes humanism theory, pragmatism theory, human all-round development theory and organization management theory as the theoretical basis of the research.Through the retrieval and collation of literature and field investigation and investigation of two local colleges of science and technology in Heilongjiang Province, this paper summarizes the common management problems in the development of college students' associations, including the old management model and imperfect management system.Problems such as the lack of guidance ability and the lack of full development of the network function, and comprehensive analysis of the causes of these problems, on the basis of which around the management principles,In the aspects of management system and management means, this paper puts forward the management countermeasures of students' associations in local universities of science and technology in Heilongjiang Province, which provides a guarantee for the full play of the educational function of students' associations in local universities of science and technology in Heilongjiang Province.It is hoped that the research results of this paper can be used for reference by students in colleges and universities.


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