本文选题:毕业设计 + 实践能力 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the popularization of higher education and the development of diversification, under the background of the diversification of the social demand for talents, the government constantly guides the qualified local colleges and universities to change to the applied type and promote the higher education to diversified development. The transformation of local universities to application-oriented is a systematic reform. As an important link in teaching, graduation design is also facing the challenge of application-oriented transformation. Graduation design can be divided into design category and thesis type according to the form and content of creation. The design class emphasizes solving problems. The thesis category is mainly to sum up, summarize, analyze and carry on the basic theory research to the specialized domain knowledge. The graduation design of innovative applied undergraduate colleges should emphasize the design of graduation thesis, let students find problems and solve problems actively in practice, apply the theoretical knowledge of specialty to practice, and exercise students' ability to solve problems in practice. The application ability and the innovation ability, thus achieves the applied type talented person training goal. The main problems of the graduation design of applied undergraduate universities are as follows: first, the graduation design is a single form, mainly based on graduation papers, which is inconsistent with the orientation of running a school and the goal of specialty training in applied colleges and universities; The second is the lack of applied value and practicality in graduation design, which is not closely related to the actual production; the third is the single structure of the graduation design guidance team and the lack of the participation of senior engineers and technical personnel in enterprises; the fourth is the unreasonable timing of graduation design. The quality supervision mechanism of graduation design is not perfect, the evaluation standard is single, the quality monitoring system is not perfect, and the process evaluation is not perfect, which is not conducive to professional and diversified talent training. The principles of graduation design of applied undergraduate colleges and universities are as follows: one is to follow the principle consistent with the training goal, the other is to follow the principle of diversification, the third is to follow the principle of practice, and the fourth is to follow the principle of flexible arrangement. The specific contents of graduation design innovation in applied undergraduate colleges and universities are as follows: one is to innovate graduation design form. Graduation design can be combined with professional characteristics, professional skill form, graduation thesis form, project result form and program planning form, and different forms are chosen for different majors. Second, combine graduation design with production practice, enhance the practicality of graduation design and show students' ability level. The selection of graduation design should be closely related to the actual production of the enterprise, and the creation of graduation design should be genuine and guaranteed by a stable practice base. The third is to innovate the teaching staff of graduation design, optimize the composition of teachers, and participate in the design of graduation. Fourth, the graduation project time arrangement is more reasonable, the flexible setting graduation design link, guarantees the student to complete the graduation project time. Fifth, improve the quality management mechanism of graduation design, improve the quality of graduation design.
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