[Abstract]:The coordinated education of colleges and colleges is a key problem that must be faced squarely in the reform of college system in mainland China. Many problems, such as unclear positioning of colleges and academies, insufficient investment of mentors, fear of impact on professional education, imperfect communication mechanism between counselors and mentors, and unclear responsibilities of counselors and mentors, all show the confusion in collaborative education between colleges and academies. These puzzles stem from the contradiction between modern university system and academy system in spatial discretization and integration, the contradiction between centralization and autonomy in management, the contradiction between university teaching and scientific research, and the contradiction in the identity of general education and professional education. In order to realize the coordinated education of the two academies and promote the sustainable development of the academies, the academies and colleges must integrate with the common goal of cultivating "people", design the educational scheme inside and outside the class based on the integration of learning results, promote the professional development of the mentors of the academies, and constantly perfect the cooperative security system of the two academies.
【作者单位】: 南京审计大学高教研究所;
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