发布时间:2021-07-02 13:45
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:74 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Research Significance and Purpose
1.3 Overview of the Thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Anxiety
2.1.1 The definition of anxiety
2.1.2 The classification of anxiety
2.2 Teaching Anxiety
2.2.1 The definition of teaching anxiety
2.2.2 The sources of teaching anxiety
2.3 Studies on Pre-service English Teachers' Teaching Anxiety
2.3.1 Relevant studies on pre-service English teachers' teaching anxiety
2.3.2 Sources of English pre-service teachers' teaching anxiety
3. Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments
3.4 Research Procedures
3.4.1 Data collection
3.4.2 Data analysis
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 General Situations of Teaching Anxiety among Pre-service English Teachersin Junior and Senior High Schools Respectively
4.2 Differences of Pre-service English Teachers' Teaching Anxiety between Junior and Senior High Schools
4.3 Sources Contributing to Pre-service English Teachers' Teaching Anxiety
4.3.1 Internal sources
4.3.2 External sources
5. Conclusions
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations and Further Research Suggestions
Appendix 1 The Teaching Anxiety Scale
Appendix 2 The Question Sheet for Teaching Journals
Appendix 3 The Samples of Teaching Journals
Appendix 4 The Outline of Semi-structured Interview
Appendix 5 The Samples of Semi-structured Interview Transcript
[1]西安市中小学外语教师教学焦虑的心理干预机制[J]. 李然. 西部素质教育. 2019(14)
[2]教师教学焦虑的现状分析及其应对策略[J]. 王航. 教育导刊. 2017(04)
[3]教师课堂心理紧张焦虑度及其调控[J]. 万成. 中国教育学刊. 2009(12)
[4]国外“教师焦虑”研究述评[J]. 肖伟平,马勇军. 外国教育研究. 2009(03)
[5]教师的计算机焦虑及其对教育技术应用的影响[J]. 管益杰,王昌海,董奇. 现代教育技术. 2006(06)
[6]论高校教师焦虑的成因与化解[J]. 杨鹏程. 黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估). 2006(Z1)
[7]外语学习焦虑理论与外语教学[J]. 张志佑. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2004(04)
[8]中学生抑郁与焦虑的关系研究[J]. 王极盛,邱炳武,赫尔实. 心理学动态. 1998(03)
[9]教学过程中师生焦虑心理的分析和控制[J]. 汪顺求. 九江师专学报. 1988(01)
[1]中小学教师状态焦虑研究[D]. 王力娟.西南大学 2008
[1]对职前高中英语教师教学焦虑的研究[D]. 梁秀平.华中师范大学 2018
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:74 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Research Significance and Purpose
1.3 Overview of the Thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Anxiety
2.1.1 The definition of anxiety
2.1.2 The classification of anxiety
2.2 Teaching Anxiety
2.2.1 The definition of teaching anxiety
2.2.2 The sources of teaching anxiety
2.3 Studies on Pre-service English Teachers' Teaching Anxiety
2.3.1 Relevant studies on pre-service English teachers' teaching anxiety
2.3.2 Sources of English pre-service teachers' teaching anxiety
3. Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Research Participants
3.3 Research Instruments
3.4 Research Procedures
3.4.1 Data collection
3.4.2 Data analysis
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 General Situations of Teaching Anxiety among Pre-service English Teachersin Junior and Senior High Schools Respectively
4.2 Differences of Pre-service English Teachers' Teaching Anxiety between Junior and Senior High Schools
4.3 Sources Contributing to Pre-service English Teachers' Teaching Anxiety
4.3.1 Internal sources
4.3.2 External sources
5. Conclusions
5.1 Major Findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations and Further Research Suggestions
Appendix 1 The Teaching Anxiety Scale
Appendix 2 The Question Sheet for Teaching Journals
Appendix 3 The Samples of Teaching Journals
Appendix 4 The Outline of Semi-structured Interview
Appendix 5 The Samples of Semi-structured Interview Transcript
[1]西安市中小学外语教师教学焦虑的心理干预机制[J]. 李然. 西部素质教育. 2019(14)
[2]教师教学焦虑的现状分析及其应对策略[J]. 王航. 教育导刊. 2017(04)
[3]教师课堂心理紧张焦虑度及其调控[J]. 万成. 中国教育学刊. 2009(12)
[4]国外“教师焦虑”研究述评[J]. 肖伟平,马勇军. 外国教育研究. 2009(03)
[5]教师的计算机焦虑及其对教育技术应用的影响[J]. 管益杰,王昌海,董奇. 现代教育技术. 2006(06)
[6]论高校教师焦虑的成因与化解[J]. 杨鹏程. 黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估). 2006(Z1)
[7]外语学习焦虑理论与外语教学[J]. 张志佑. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2004(04)
[8]中学生抑郁与焦虑的关系研究[J]. 王极盛,邱炳武,赫尔实. 心理学动态. 1998(03)
[9]教学过程中师生焦虑心理的分析和控制[J]. 汪顺求. 九江师专学报. 1988(01)
[1]中小学教师状态焦虑研究[D]. 王力娟.西南大学 2008
[1]对职前高中英语教师教学焦虑的研究[D]. 梁秀平.华中师范大学 2018