发布时间:2018-04-28 03:22
本文选题:教育平等 + 观念 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2008年博士论文
【摘要】: 20世纪90年代以来,教育平等成为世界教育改革的主旋律,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都非常重视教育平等,将其作为教育改革的基本原则。2001年中国政府颁布的《全国教育事业第十个五年计划》明确提出“坚持社会主义教育的公平与公正性原则,更加关注处境不利人群受教育问题。”教育平等和公平成为中国教育改革的关键词。 以实现教育平等和公平为目标的教育改革能否顺利推行、取得预期效果,不仅受客观经济社会条件限制,而且与人们对教育平等的理解有关。 教育平等是现代教育的核心价值,它与现代教育同时诞生,并随现代教育的发展,价值越来越彰显。现代教育及其平等观念产生于西方,其关注人、以人权为核心、法律为保障、公共义务教育制度为依托的观念在18世纪启蒙运动时已基本成熟。一战后,对教育权的认识从消极权利转变为需要国家来保障的积极权利;教育机会平等由初等教育入学机会平等转入中等教育入学机会平等。二战后,在民主化浪潮以及联合国等国际组织的推动下,西方教育平等观念取得新进展:20世纪50年代至60年代中期强调教育过程平等,60年代中期后转至教育过程的产出——教育结果平等,并认为要实现结果平等需要为不利人群提供补偿。 19世纪下半叶,在西方列强的侵略下,中国被迫启动了现代化,植根于西方大生产和工业化基础上的现代教育制度及其教育平等理念传入中国。作为“后发外源型”现代化国家,中国的教育平等观念在中西文化冲突中慢慢融入世界。本论文对西方影响下的中国教育平等观念历程进行了研究,力图揭示中国人吸收了西方观念的哪些元素,做出了哪些变革,为什么会有这种选择。 研究从纵横两方面展开,在纵向上分为五个阶段:清末民初、五四时期、三四十年代、1949年后、改革开放后;在横向上置于西方影响下,从教育平等观念的基本元素出发,对每一阶段的观念进行分析,揭示其基本特征。 通过对百年来思想家、学者的著述以及各个时期教育法规、教育制度、统计资料等的诠释解读,得出以下结论: 19世纪中后期到五四时期为教育权利平等形成阶段,20世纪20年代后期到90年代中期为机会平等阶段,90年代中后期开始讨论过程、结果平等,进入21世纪,过程与结果平等成为共同理念。权利平等尽管在五四时期已为知识精英所识,但它并没有成为其后普及教育、实现机会平等的价值支持,百年来的普及教育主要立足于国家存亡、阶级利益、经济发展等因素。由于未从权利和人的角度思考机会平等,导致一些群体的教育权利实际上未得到保障。90年代中期后,人们逐渐认识到教育是需要国家保障的基本人权、教育的目的就是人自身,机会平等的实现需要国家办学、实行全部免费的义务教育。 影响中国人教育平等观念的因素主要有:中国与西方的关系、中国人对西方文化的认识程度;中国自身的国情、文化传统与价值观;社会制度与意识形态的差别等。 在实现教育机会平等方面,中国人受古代经世致用、民间办初等教育、自由灵活办学传统等的启发,提出普及教育要发动群众,采用非标准化、非规范化甚至非制度化的形式,为民众提供有益于生活的教育。
[Abstract]:Since 1990s, equality of education has become the main theme of the education reform in the world. Both developed and developing countries attach great importance to education equality, and take it as the basic principle of educational reform in the tenth five years of National Education issued by the Chinese government in.2001. With the principle of fairness, more attention should be paid to the education problem of disadvantaged groups. "Equality and equity in education become the key word in China's education reform.
The successful implementation of educational reform aimed at achieving educational equality and equity is not only restricted by the objective economic and social conditions, but also related to people's understanding of educational equality.
Education equality is the core value of modern education. It is born at the same time with modern education, and is becoming more and more obvious with the development of modern education. Modern education and its equality concept are produced in the West. The concept of modern education and its concept of equality is based on human rights as the core, law as the guarantee and the system of public compulsory education based on the Enlightenment of the eighteenth Century enlightenment movement. After World War II, after World War II, the equality of educational opportunities was changed from equal access to equal access to secondary education. After World War II, new progress in the western concept of equality of education was made under the wave of democratization and the United Nations and other international organizations: 20 The equality of educational processes was emphasized in the middle of the 50s to the middle of the 60s, and the output of education was transferred from the middle of 60s to the output of education, the result of education was equal, and the equality of results needed to provide compensation for the disadvantaged.
In the second half of the nineteenth Century, under the aggression of the Western powers, China was forced to start a modernized, modern education system based on Western production and industrialization and the concept of educational equality into China. As a modern country, the concept of educational equality in China slowly integrated into the world in the Chinese and Western cultural conflicts. This paper studies the course of the concept of equality of education in China under the influence of the west, trying to reveal which elements of Western ideas have been absorbed by the Chinese and what changes have been made and why there is such a choice.
The study is carried out from two aspects of vertical and horizontal. It is divided into five stages in the longitudinal direction: the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the 54 period, the 30s and 40s, and the 1949 after the reform and opening up. Under the influence of the west, the basic elements of the concept of equality of education are analyzed and the basic characteristics of each stage are analyzed.
Through the interpretation and interpretation of thinkers, scholars' writings, educational regulations, educational systems and statistics in the past century, the following conclusions can be drawn:
From the middle and late nineteenth Century to the 54 period, the equal stage of education rights was formed, and the period from the late 1920s to the middle of 90s was the stage of equality of opportunity. The process of discussion began in the middle and late 90s. The result was equal, entered twenty-first Century and the process and the result equality became common ideas. It has not become the value support of universal education in the aftermath and the realization of equal opportunity. The century's universal education is mainly based on the national survival, class interests, economic development and other factors. Due to the lack of equality of rights and people's perspective, the education rights of some groups have not been guaranteed in the middle period of.90. Education is the basic human rights that need national security. The purpose of education is human itself. The realization of equal opportunity needs the country to run a school and carry out all free compulsory education.
The main factors that affect the concept of equality of Chinese people are: the relationship between China and the west, the degree of Chinese understanding of the western culture, the national conditions of China, the cultural tradition and values, the difference between social system and ideology, etc.
In the realization of equality in educational opportunities, the Chinese are inspired by the ancient times, the folk primary education and the free and flexible tradition of running schools. It is suggested that universal education should be launched to mobilize the masses and adopt non standardized, non standardized and even non institutionalized forms of education for the people.
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