本文选题:教师培训 + 混合式学习环境 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2008年博士论文
【摘要】: 随着《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》的颁布,全国中小学教师教育技术能力培训已经成为当前被广泛关注的对象,随着培训项目在全国范围内逐步展开,如何对培训的质量进行有效的监控、如何在培训过程中对学员的学习进行有效的评价成为亟待解决的问题。 信息时代的到来,学习环境、学习模式均发生了巨大变化,怎样利用信息技术带来的优势来监控培训的质量、评价学员的学习过程是信息技术环境下教师教育、教师培训研究的重点。 本研究正是依托“全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设计划”项目,围绕信息技术支撑环境下的培训过程的形成性评价的理论、模式与系统实现来开展研究的。本研究认为混合式学习环境下,基于学习活动的形成性评价系统能够有效地保证学员高质量的学习,在保证学员参与度的情况下,激励、帮助、改进学员的学习,促进学员教师教育技术能力的提高,进而保障培训项目的质量,达到培训的目标,促进其健康发展。 本研究从教师教育技术能力标准与培训实践的特点出发,阐明了此次培训与以往培训的不同特点,构建起活动、评价、能力三者的关系。并结合具体的培训活动,详细分析了高教版、师大版两套教材的特点,尤其是高教版教材的创新培训模式。而这些都为混合式学习环境下的形成性评价系统的进一步研制创造了条件。具体来说: (1)总结、分析了混合式学习环境下学习活动的分类与意义。研究从活动主体的群体性(全班活动、小组活动、个人活动)划分了混合式学习环境下的活动类型,并创新的从活动类型的数量和特征论证了混合式培训模式以及经过良好设计的、有组织的网络培训是信息技术环境下最优的培训模式。 (2)建立了混合式培训模式的培训模型和评价模型。本研究基于学习圈理论ETLC与学习流模型ETLFM,提出了基于评价与活动的培训模型ETTM,并在此基础上建立了混合式学习环境下的BLAFAM评价模型,为后面的BLAFAS评价系统的设计与开发奠定了理论基础,该培训评价模型不但为“TETA”项目的培训提供了理论支持,保证了本项目的成功,同时也为其它培训项目提供了可资借鉴的经验。 (3)确立了此次形成性评价的指标体系。从评价指标的确立、指标权重的确定到数据的计算等多个方面进行了研究,首次使用AHP层级分析法建立了教育培训的评价指标体系。这一套科学、普适的形成性评价指标体系,保证了本项目评价系统的科学性,同时也被其它培训项目所借鉴来建立基于过程的形成性评价系统的指标体系。 (4)基于评价模型和评价指标体系,设计、建成了国内第一个真正投入大规模使用的形成性评价平台。该平台全面支持全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设项目的质量检测和形成性评价的需要,既对学员的学习过程进行记录、分析与反馈,也对整个培训点的培训质量进行监督与反馈。它将逐步成为网络教学评价的核心。 本文的创新点可以概括为如下三点: (1)首次提出了混合式学习环境下基于学习活动的评价模型BLAFAM,为信息技术环境下培训活动的评价提供了一种可行的评价模型。 (2)首次在教育培训的评价领域中运用层次分析方法AHP,构建了形成性评价指标体系,为形成科学的评价指标体系奠定了基础。 (3)基于评价理论模型BLAFAM,设计、实现了BLAFAS混合式学习环境下基于学习活动的形成性评价系统。该系统在全国中小学教师教育技术能力培训项目中被全面使用,以便用来评价和检测培训的质量,从而为培训项目的顺利开展及成功落实提供了保障。
[Abstract]:With the promulgation of the standards for the technical ability of primary and secondary school teachers (Trial), the training of technical ability of primary and secondary school teachers has become the object of widespread concern. As the training projects are gradually expanded throughout the country, how to supervise the quality of the training is carried out effectively and how to carry out the learning of the students during the training process The evaluation of efficiency has become a problem to be solved urgently.
The advent of the information age, learning environment, learning mode are changed, the quality of how to use information technology to monitor the advantages of training, learning process to evaluate the student's teacher education is the environment of information technology, the focus of teachers' training.
This study is based on the project of "national primary and middle school teachers' education technology capacity building program", which focuses on the theory, pattern and system implementation of the formative evaluation of the training process under the support of information technology. This study considers that the formative evaluation system based on learning activities can be effective under the mixed learning environment. To ensure that students with high quality learning, in ensuring the participation of trainees under the condition of incentive, help improve students learning, promote teachers' educational technology ability students improve and guarantee the quality of training project, to achieve the goal of the training, to promote their healthy development.
This study, starting from the characteristics of teacher education technical ability standard and training practice, clarifies the different characteristics of the training and the previous training, constructs the relationship between the activities, evaluation and ability of the three, and analyzes the characteristics of the two sets of teaching materials in detail, especially the innovative training model of the teaching materials of the high education edition, with the specific training activities. All these provide conditions for the further development of the formative assessment system in the blended learning environment.
(1) to sum up, analyze the classification and significance of learning activities in the mixed learning environment. From the group activity, group activities, individual activities, the types of activities under the mixed learning environment are divided, and the hybrid training model and the good design are demonstrated from the number and characteristics of the activity types. Organized network training is the best training mode under the environment of information technology.
(2) the training model and evaluation model of the hybrid training model are set up. Based on the learning circle theory ETLC and the learning flow model ETLFM, the training model ETTM based on Evaluation and activity is proposed, and on this basis, the BLAFAM evaluation model in the mixed learning environment is established, which lays the foundation for the design and development of the BLAFAS evaluation system. The theoretical foundation, provides the theoretical support of the training evaluation model not only for the "TETA" training project, ensure the success of the project, but also provides valuable experience for other training programs.
(3) the index system of the formative evaluation was established. The evaluation index system was established from the establishment of evaluation index, the determination of index weight to the calculation of data and so on. The evaluation index system of education and training was established by AHP level analysis method for the first time. This set of scientific, universal and formative evaluation index system ensured the Evaluation Department of this project. The scientific nature of the system is also used by other training projects to establish an indicator system for formative assessment system based on process.
(4) based on the evaluation model and evaluation index system, the first formative evaluation platform is built in China. The platform fully supports the needs of the quality testing and formative evaluation of the national primary and secondary school teachers' educational technology ability construction projects, and records, analyses and feedback the learning process of the students. It also supervises and feedback the training quality of the whole training point. It will gradually become the core of web-based teaching evaluation.
The innovation point of this article can be summarized as following three points:
(1) first proposed the hybrid learning environment BLAFAM evaluation model based on the learning activities, provides a feasible evaluation model to evaluate the training activities under the information technology environment.
(2) the level analysis method using AHP evaluation for the first time in the education and training in the field of construction, the formation of evaluation index system, which laid the foundation for the formation of a scientific evaluation index system.
(3) based on the evaluation theory model BLAFAM, a formative evaluation system based on learning activities in the BLAFAS hybrid learning environment is implemented. The system is fully used in the national primary and secondary school teacher education technical ability training project to evaluate and detect the quality of the training, so as to carry out the training project successfully and successfully implement it. The guarantee is provided.
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