[Abstract]:Modern Shanghai is recognized as a city of immigrants. Different from the immigrants in traditional agricultural society, the immigrants in modern Shanghai have their own characteristics. The immigrants in modern Shanghai moved to Shanghai to make a living under the background of the transformation from traditional Chinese commercial port to modern metropolis under the invasion of foreign forces. In the process of industrialization and urbanization in modern Shanghai, the mode of production of modern machines and advanced urban civilization require these peasants from rural areas and their descendants to receive education and improve their quality so as to realize the transformation from traditional peasants to modern citizens. Change.
The fellow-townsmen's organization is a kind of folk society organization established spontaneously in different places by the bond of local geography. It is named after the guild hall (public office) and the fellow-townsmen's association. It plays the function of self-organization and self-management in the immigrant society. Modern Shanghai is the most powerful city with fellow-townsmen's organization. In the historical process of change, the structure and function of the fellow townsmen's organizations have gradually changed to modern times, and the development of immigration education has become an important cause for them.
This study starts with the educational problems of the immigrants as a special group in the process of urbanization in modern Shanghai, and selects the immigrant education activities carried out by the non-governmental organizations spontaneously established by the immigrants-fellow-townsmen organizations, hoping to show the establishment of the traditional Chinese civil society organization, fellow-townsmen organizations, from the perspective of the people. The history of Immigrant Education in Shanghai is summarized, its school-running characteristics are summarized, and its role in immigrant education is explored, so as to take this as a window to observe the Immigrant Education in modern Shanghai and to see through the characteristics of Immigrant Education in the process of urbanization in modern Shanghai.
To this end, the study is divided into six chapters.
The first chapter mainly explains and combs the related concepts, the significance of the topic, the research progress, the contributions and shortcomings of the topic. The second chapter focuses on the development process, membership system, organization construction and economic system of contemporary Shanghai compatriot organizations. And the demand of education; the demand of the development of urban modernization for the education of immigrants; the development of fellow-townsman organizations and other aspects of modern Shanghai fellow-townsman organizations are divided into four historical stages of development, and each stage of development of fellow-townsman organizations to start schools and teach a detailed description of the situation. The second stage is the period of development and prosperity (1911-1937); the third stage is the period of difficult maintenance (1937-1945); the fourth stage is the period of restructuring the flag and drum (1945-1949). The fourth chapter takes the activities of Ningbo Traveling in Shanghai and Guangzhao Commune as the main typical example, from a horizontal perspective to the modern Shanghai compatriot organizations. This paper makes a thorough analysis of the practical activities of setting up education for immigrant children, mainly from the four aspects of funding system, administrative management system, teaching system, Education Award and loan system to fully reproduce the educational practice activities and their distinct personality characteristics of fellow countrymen's organizations. During the period of residence (public house) and fellow townsmen's association, fellow townsmen's organizations played an educational and educational role in adult immigration education. This paper mainly introduced the various and colorful social education in the Republic of China in order to improve the quality of adult immigrants, help them quickly adapt to urban life, and realize the transformation process from peasants to citizens. On the basis of the analysis of the previous chapters, the sixth chapter puts forward the reflection and Enlightenment of the establishment of immigration education by the contemporary Shanghai compatriot organizations. Quantity. The locality of fellow-townsman organizations makes the educational undertakings run by fellow-townsman organizations show distinct regional characteristics and relative closeness. Similarly, the locality and funding problems of fellow-townsman organizations make it impossible to run schools out of the imbalance between regions, the imbalance between the education of children of immigrants and that of adult immigrants, and the dissatisfaction of the educational undertakings. The history of the establishment of Immigrant Education in modern Shanghai provides the following enlightenment for solving the problem of Immigrant Education in the process of urbanization: first, we should attach importance to the power of immigrant self-organization in solving the problem of Immigrant Education in the process of urbanization; second, we should attach importance to the school itself of migrant children. Third, in the process of urbanization, immigration education should not only pay attention to the education of immigrant children, but also to the education of adult immigrants.
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