[Abstract]:Through the investigation of the history and present situation of rural development and the observation and interview on the life of farmers and students in rural small towns, this paper tries to understand their way of life. Think of their educational needs in adapting to urbanization and rural school education service function play, expand the significance, methods. With the continuous advancement of urbanization, rural families continue to gather to small towns. Small town community becomes a new home for farmers to live and produce. The traditional villages are gradually dispersed, and the spirit of the rural community is losing. The community of small towns becomes the basic link of social construction and management, and the intersection of various social contradictions. In the process of farmers' urbanization, farmers will experience the process of culture acculturation, cultural reconstruction and cultural re-adaptation. So as to become the true meaning of the new citizens of the town. School is the cornerstone of community cultural education, with abundant educational resources. Strengthening the fusion of school educational resources with social resources and realizing the optimal allocation of resources can meet the increasing educational needs of farmers in the community. To provide quality education services to the community. Rural education should be open to the community, and it is the responsibility to cultivate students to adapt to community life. At present, community education does not receive due attention in school education, school education is closed, the phenomenon of leaving the community is relatively common. Educators have the responsibility to construct a school-based curriculum adapted to community life in practice, to explore new contents of moral education, to spread the new concept of people-oriented education, to practice the ideal of life that is education, and to promote the all-round development of students. The purpose of this study is to expound the function of school education service, to expand and construct the network of school, society and family education, and to promote the healthy development of school education and community culture construction.
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