[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of teaching reform in colleges and universities, research-based learning has become a topic of widespread concern to teachers and teaching administrators in colleges and universities. The purpose of research-based learning is to change students' learning style, emphasize active inquiry and creative practice, and reflect and respond to the educational requirements of the times. However, in the concrete course teaching practice, because there are differences in teaching object, teaching content and teaching goal, it is worth studying how to apply research-based learning to promote students' development effectively and pertinently. Based on the basic theory of research-based learning and on the basis of a full analysis of the course of computer-aided Education, this paper designs three modes of carrying out research-based learning in its teaching practice. This paper makes a beneficial exploration on the practice of research-based learning in curriculum teaching in colleges and universities from both theoretical and practical aspects. The full text is divided into six parts: the first part is introduction. This paper analyzes the background, significance and present situation of the research, points out the necessity and feasibility of carrying out research-based learning, and states the contents and methods of the research. The second part is the connotation and theoretical basis of research-based learning. This paper analyzes and summarizes the connotation, development and theoretical basis of research-based learning. The third part "computer-aided education" curriculum analysis. This paper mainly analyzes the teaching objective, teaching content and teaching plan of the course. The fourth part is the construction of the mode of research-based learning in the course teaching of computer-aided Education. This paper mainly puts forward three modes of carrying out research-based learning in the teaching of this course. The fifth part is the practice case of research-based learning in the course teaching of computer-aided education. Practice the three models in the course teaching and summarize and reflect on the implementation of each model. The sixth part is the analysis and prospect of the practical results. Through the post-test of curriculum teaching practice, the practice activities are analyzed and summarized, and the further research work is prospected.
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