[Abstract]:Teachers' professional development is mainly carried out by teaching life in schools, but the role of teachers as "the whole life person" determines the influence of teachers' life on teachers' professional development. Teachers' professional development in our country neglects or ignores the orientation of teachers' life, which restricts the effect of teachers' professional development. The teacher's professional development based on the teacher's life is helpful to realize the teacher's role of "the whole life person", to understand its inner heart, to understand its difference and to enrich the theory of teacher's professional development. Specifically, teachers' professional development based on teachers' life can be realized by paying attention to teachers' living situation, strengthening the research of teachers' life history, perfecting the curriculum system of teachers' life and constructing flexible and differential standards and systems of teachers' professional development.
【作者单位】: 湖北武汉华中师范大学教育学院;
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