[Abstract]:In order to promote socio-economic development and build a lifelong learning society, the small Commonwealth States are committed to developing the transnational qualifications framework and credit conversion mechanisms for virtual universities, The qualifications and credits for learners can be recognized and connected in different Commonwealth countries. This paper consists of eight parts: the first part introduces the background of the Commonwealth small country Virtual University and the transnational qualification framework, the second part describes the design concept of transnational qualification framework and credit transfer. The third part describes the preparation of transnational qualification framework and credit transfer; the fourth part introduces the construction of transnational qualification framework and qualification credit standards; the fifth part analyzes the transnational qualification framework and credit transfer pilot; The last two parts are lessons and conclusions. The author hopes that, with the prevalence of open educational resources and the continuous improvement of online education technology, the multinational qualification framework and credit transfer mechanism of virtual universities in small Commonwealth countries, It can enlighten us to realize the connection and communication of all kinds of education in virtual environment through educational cooperation and sharing of high quality educational resources.
【作者单位】: 香港大学专业进修学院持续教育及终身学习研究中心;香港大学专业进修学院网络教学中心;
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