本文选题:精神卫生 + 健康状况 ; 参考:《中国学校卫生》2017年09期
【摘要】:目的了解和掌握心理问题学生的心理健康状况和发展趋势,并分析是否存在群体异质性,为有效干预心理问题学生提供实证支持。方法以某理工科为主的综合大学2011级6 103名学生为总样本,采用《中国大学生心理健康量表(Chinsese college students mental health scale,CCSMHS)》筛选出症状较明显的学生764名作为研究对象。2011—2014年连续4年跟踪分析,每年10月采集数据。使用增长混合模型的方法进行评价分析。结果 764名心理问题学生从大一到大四,在描述性统计的12个因子上得分均呈下降趋势。根据模型数据分析,可将心理问题学生心理健康水平发展趋势分为3类:第1类在4次的测评中得分逐渐降低,但降低程度略低于第3类,命名为缓慢降低型,该类占95.16%;第2类在4次测评中的得分先升后降,命名为先增后降型,该类占1.70%;第3类在4次测评的得分逐渐降势,且程度较其他2类更为明显,命名为快速降低型,该类占3.14%。结论心理问题学生的心理健康水平随着年级增长而逐年提高,不同的个体呈现出各自的特点。应坚持预防为主的原则,了解学生心理状况做好区分工作,在不同的关键节点开展心理帮扶。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand and master the mental health status and development trend of students with mental problems and analyze whether there is group heterogeneity in order to provide empirical support for effective intervention of students with psychological problems. Methods A total sample of 6 103 students of 2011 grade in a comprehensive university of science and engineering was used as a total sample. Chinese college students mental health scaleCCSMHSS was used to select 764 students with obvious symptoms for 4 consecutive years from 2011 to 2014. The data were collected in October of each year. The method of mixed growth model is used to evaluate and analyze. Results the scores of 12 factors in descriptive statistics of 764 students with mental problems showed a downward trend from freshman to senior year. According to the analysis of the model data, the development trend of mental health level of students with mental problems can be divided into three categories: the first category scores gradually decreased in 4 times, but the degree of decrease was slightly lower than that of the third category, which was named as slow decrease type. The score of the second category increased first and then decreased, and the score of the third category decreased gradually, and the degree was more obvious than that of the other two categories, which was named as the rapid decrease type, which accounted for 3.14% of the total score of the second category. The score of the second category was increased first and then decreased, and the score of the third category was 1.70% in the four times of the evaluation, and the degree of the score in the third category was more obvious than that in the other two categories. Conclusion the level of mental health of students with mental problems increases year by year with the increase of grade, and different individuals have their own characteristics. We should adhere to the principle of prevention, understand the psychological status of students and do a good job of distinguishing, and carry out psychological help at different key nodes.
【作者单位】: 中国矿业大学大学生心理健康教育中心;中国矿业大学公共管理学院;中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院;
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