[Abstract]:The emergence of autonomous learning theory has a wide and far-reaching impact on the educational ecological environment, and its value system in the educational ecological environment needs to be reconsidered and examined. From the perspective of educational ecology theory, autonomous learning has the three dimensions of ecological value, which constitute the core goal of educational ecosystem, maintain the balance of educational ecology and promote the evolution of educational system. Specifically divided into immediate learning and lifelong development, consistency of educational goals, human needs to see learners, education-related departments, social tripartite in the core goals of the educational ecology; from the individual standard, The social-oriented view is to maintain the internal and external ecological balance of education, and to look at the evolution of ecological factors in the upper, middle and lower parts of the ecological chain of education from the perspective of the policy of running a school and the administration of learning, the conception of teaching mode, and the effective path to study.
【作者单位】: 渤海大学大学外语教研部;
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