[Abstract]:MOOC is based on the network platform, teachers publish the course content in the form of video on the Internet. The people in need in the world can choose a kind of teaching mode to study and realize real-time interaction according to their own preferences and needs. The rise of MOOC makes the higher vocational education in our country enjoy the high quality teaching resources of the whole world. Curriculum learning is not limited by time and place, but the application of MOOC in higher vocational education is not paid enough attention to, teachers' enthusiasm for curriculum development is not high, students' learning ability is on the low side, and the platform incentive mechanism is not perfect. Higher vocational colleges need to adapt to the new situation, new teaching methods and teaching approaches, starting from the implementation of school training goals and development strategies, update teaching concepts, attach importance to the use of MOOC in the teaching of higher vocational colleges, and improve the incentive mechanism. At the same time, we should encourage teachers to develop the MOOC course which is suitable for the local higher vocational teaching, and make full use of the innovative teaching mode of MOOC. Train more excellent professional and technical talents for society and enterprises.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学教育系;
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