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发布时间:2018-11-08 07:50
[Abstract]:The significance of humanistic and humanistic educational thought, apart from its guidance to educational practice, is more important that it can inspire us to find a new perspective of understanding education. This new perspective, in fact, has been hidden in the humanistic, humanistic educational thought, that is the emotional perspective. Although educational emotion can exist in the educator's spiritual system, its realistic manifestation must be in educational activities and educational life. From the perspective of emotion, education is an emotional practice of human beings. Specifically, the origin of education has emotional characteristics, which is marked by positive value tendency and life care consciousness. The process of education needs the support of educational emotion. Without love, education is equivalent to the absence of value tendency and life care consciousness, and there are only neutral behaviors such as teaching, training, teaching and transformation that can exist independently. The pursuit of education is based on the development of emotion and value. With the aid of education, the society wants to obtain the appropriate emotion, attitude and values from the individual, and the educator obtains the progress of emotion and value by engaging in education. Education is a kind of high social emotion, whose basic components are solicitude, sympathy, enlightenment, liberation and perfection.
【作者单位】: 山西大学教育科学学院;


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