[Abstract]:With the rapid development of educational informatization, digital teaching resources have become the necessary means of auxiliary teaching. The Internet is the best platform for sharing digital teaching resources, and subject education websites also play an important role in it. At the same time, our national teaching resources public service platform is also under construction. Based on the above background of education informatization, the author investigates the present situation of the construction of teaching resources of physics education website in middle school, and tries to explore the bright spots in the development process of physics education website in middle school. And further investigation and analysis of the current educational website teaching resources construction there are some shortcomings. On this basis, the author compares the typical physics education websites at home and abroad and the current situation of the use and demand of the teaching resources of the physical education websites by the domestic physics teachers, and provides reference suggestions for the further development of the physics education websites in the middle schools. The paper mainly includes three aspects of research. The first study is to construct an analytical framework, which is based on the four dimensions of website feature division, website navigation bar division, website resource content characteristics and website resource application attributes, and carries out quantitative and qualitative investigation on the selected secondary school physics education website. It is found that there are many physics education websites in our country at present, but most of them focus on the construction of text teaching resources such as teaching design, test questions and so on. The second study is to select Chinese and foreign typical physical education websites from four angles to carry out qualitative comparative investigation. The comparative study shows that the overseas physical education websites pay more attention to the authority of resources and the construction of scientific and technological teaching software resources, which is the neglected aspect of the construction of physical education websites in China; The third study investigates the current situation of teachers' demand for teaching resources in the form of questionnaire. Physics teachers have a neutral attitude towards the construction of teaching resources of physical education websites. The teaching resources of physics education websites are large but can not meet the needs of teachers' specialization and diversification. Teachers' attitude of rigorous learning in selecting teaching resources is also an important reference basis for website builders to improve the website. From the perspective of educational informatization development, the enthusiasm for the establishment of physics education websites in middle schools is still rising. Under the background of information education, the author thinks that the construction of teaching resources should be closely linked with the development of the times. On the basis of guaranteeing the quality of teaching resources, the author thinks that the types of teaching resources should be enriched. At the same time, with the development of science and technology, the innovative construction of teaching resources can be strengthened, and the construction of resource sharing mechanism in the Internet can be strengthened under the condition of low output rate of high quality original teaching resources.
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