[Abstract]:In recent years, Mu class has entered a stable stage of development, improving teaching design to enrich learners' learning experience has gradually become the focus of development. Among them, there is more and more attention to the deficiency of the interaction between students and students. Many course practitioners and researchers began to try to expand the interaction between students and students. In this context, a teacher's professional development curriculum tries to organize online cooperative learning activities, hoping to promote the communication between learners. The course team recruited 52 student volunteers and divided them into 9 groups of 5 to 7 people each. The program lasted for six weeks and participants provided suggestions for improvement through spontaneous discussion of class assignments organized by group QQ groups. After the event, the researchers investigated the online collaborative learning experience of participants, including the collaborative process of learners to the group, through questionnaires (24 valid questionnaires) and semi-structured interviews (9 interviewees). Three aspects of perception of the challenges faced in collaborative learning outcomes and interactions. The study found that learners encountered many problems in the process of collaboration, but most of them recognized the role of online cooperative learning activities in promoting curriculum learning and teaching practice. The main challenges faced by learners include: differences in professional background hinder mutual understanding lack of leadership role affect cooperation promotion difficulties in time coordination affect joint participation and differences in motivation lead to expectation conflict. The analysis of the above challenges is helpful to enrich the understanding of online cooperative learning and provide clues for the development of cooperative learning strategies in accordance with the characteristics of the context.
【作者单位】: 北京大学教育学院;
【基金】:首都教育发展2011协同创新平台“慕课用于教师教研能力提升相关问题研究” 教育部在线教育研究中心2016年度在线教育研究基金(全通教育)重点项目“基于学习分析的慕课教学设计原则研究”(2016ZD101)
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