[Abstract]:The cognition of the nature of academic burden is the cornerstone of teachers'participation in burden regulation. Teachers should make clear the necessity of academic burden, draw the bottom line for reducing the burden; make clear the unity of subject and object of academic burden, and set up the standard for weighing the weight and weight; define the uncertainty of academic burden, and explore the path for rational optimization. The judgment of the degree of academic burden is the key to the optimization of teachers' participation burden. Teachers should represent the academic burden from the two aspects of subject and object, measure the academic burden from the angle of individualization, and measure the academic burden according to the principle of "quality" and "quantity". The main body bearing on the attribution of academic burden is the core of the teacher leading the formation of the burden of capacity. The teacher should realize that the student's "learning" is the source of the academic burden, and the teacher's "education" is the key to "clearing away the root". Teachers should try to optimize their cognition of academic burden from three aspects: value correction, interactive frequency raising and ability enhancement.
【作者单位】: 西南大学教育学部;
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