[Abstract]:The cultivation of students' core accomplishment can not be separated from the discipline and the classroom teaching activities of each discipline. " "four students classroom" refers to the mode of classroom teaching activity with life, growth, generation and life. It is inspired by the traditional life education thought, the reflection of realistic classroom teaching practice, and the criticism of various classroom teaching modes. On the basis of the call for the cultivation of students' core literacy, under the guidance of the theories of philosophy, life and humanism, as well as the theory of life education, the theory of educational purpose, the theory of educational process, the theory of life education, the theory of curriculum teaching, and so on, Based on the whole and the whole process of classroom teaching, it is the breakthrough and transcendence of the author's theoretical research and practical exploration. Students' core accomplishment pays attention to students' life, focuses on students' growth, points to process generation, and pays attention to real life, which is consistent with "four students' classroom". The cultivation of students' core accomplishment must be carried out through classroom teaching, which is the target task of classroom teaching, and the mode of "four students' classroom" is the best way to cultivate students' core accomplishment and "all-round development person". " The four-student classroom has a unique operation structure, teaching concept, teaching characteristics and practical strategies.
【作者单位】: 湖南师范大学教育科学学院;
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