[Abstract]:The concept of the modernization of rural education is the rational understanding, ideal pursuit and concept system formed by people to the modernization of rural education. The choice of the concept of modernization of rural education should not only emphasize "universality" but also "particularity" in content, give full play to "vision" and reflect "realistic problems" in function. On the subject, we should not only consider the whole society, but also consider the educational circle. The modernization of rural education should uphold the five development concepts of respect, autonomy, tolerance, justice and green. The five development concepts point to the object of rural education, the management of rural schools, the relationship between urban and rural education, the rural educational administration and the development mode of rural education, which constitute an organic whole with the logic of the former and the second and the logic of the hierarchy. It is helpful to guide the design of rural education modernization policy, such as the current situation, the goal vision, the method and strategy, the organization guarantee and so on.
【作者单位】: 江苏高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地盐城师范学院江苏农村教育发展研究中心;东北师范大学农村教育研究所;
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