[Abstract]:In order to optimize the utilization rate of network teaching resources, it is necessary to intercept the lost information of network teaching resources. For the optimal management of resource utilization, the correlation degree of discrete attribute of lost information is calculated first, and the attribute mean value of all lost information is input as attribute to complete the optimal management of teaching resource utilization. The traditional method is to search for the relevance of the lost information data and construct the management system, but ignore the attribute mean value of the lost information as the attribute input, which leads to the poor management effect of the optimal management of the resource utilization ratio. A method based on decision tree for packet interception of lost information in network teaching resources transmission is proposed. According to the decision attribute value, the lost information data set in the network teaching resource transmission is divided into several information subsets, and the nearest object within the same missing information subset is selected to fill the missing value of the conditional attribute. The attribute mean value of all lost information is inputted as attribute to calculate the relationship between lost information in the transmission of network teaching resources, and then the packet interception of lost information is completed based on the result of clustering of lost information data. The simulation results show that the proposed method improves the effective utilization of teaching resources and the quality of user query results.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院;
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