[Abstract]:The development of information age needs a large number of engineering and technical talents. STEM education has gradually become a new course of international science education in the stage of basic education, which has been paid attention and attention by many countries. China has carried out the practice and promotion of STEM education in some areas, but the related research in China mainly focuses on the concept discrimination, curriculum research, teaching model and implementation cases of STEM education, and so on. The core of STEM education concept is interdisciplinary integration, the core of interdisciplinary integration, the most important work is the design of projects or problems, and the interdisciplinary integration of STEM is the most important work. On the one hand, the knowledge of sub-disciplines should be reorganized according to the problem logic or project logic, on the other hand, it is necessary to ensure the comprehensive and balanced coverage of the design problems and projects to the basic knowledge structure of all disciplines. Based on the multi-disciplinary integration of STEM concept, the project team designed and implemented a series of balloon rocket courses. In a single group of pre-and post-test experiments with students from the primary school affiliated to Huazhong University of Science and Technology as the object of study, it is found that STEM-based education can stimulate students' interest in learning and is conducive to the development of students' ability to explore science; And although the teaching based on STEM increases the students' cognitive load to a certain extent, the high cognitive load within a certain range is beneficial to the development of students' inquiry ability.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学教育信息技术学院;华中科技大学附属小学;
【基金】:2016年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“智慧教室中促进小学生深度学习的教学策略研究”(16YJA880067) The “Future Schools in 2030” Program:The Technology Enhanced Assessment to Improve Students’ Deep Learning in Smart Classroom(AICFE-IO-007)
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