[Abstract]:Distance education, also known as network education (E-learning) or modern distance education, has been highly valued and concerned by the national leading comrades from the beginning, and has shown a good momentum of development. At present, although the network education has been popularized in our country, there is still a certain gap between the technical level and the scale of commercial operation. This gap reflects to the music class network education domain is particularly obvious. Through a survey of the administrators, teachers, and two major domestic online education companies, ao Peng, Hongcheng Technology and Beijing Radio and Television University, we know that if music education is to form a scale under the impetus of the network, it must be in images. Audio transmission has a good performance, but the 2 G era of network bandwidth limits its due development. With the development of network technology, advanced management, introduction of service experience and innovation of profit model, this situation is expected to be well solved. Under the guidance of the teacher and the necessary research, this paper will discuss the innovation of the technology and operation mode of the music network education, which is produced by the development of the network technology. This paper analyzes the present situation of music network education and the excellent opportunities it faces with the promotion of new network technology, and probes into the technology and management of music network education. New service model and feasibility of building a large enough resource and capital platform. In order to promote the development of music network education and distance education as a whole, the positive and meaningful research is carried out.
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