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发布时间:2018-08-07 21:35
【摘要】: 随着经济的迅速发展,信息时代为教育领域提供了一个网络化的发展平台,孕育了魅力十足并日趋流行的网络工具——教育博客。教育博客是指有关教育的博客,是教育领域中具有互动性和实践性的教育工作者上传和发表有关教育主题内容的网络工具。它具有教育专业性、反思提高性和交互共享性等特点。教育博客在教育中通常是作为教学信息承载的工具、作为教学信息传播的工具、作为教育教学研究的工具和作为教师专业发展的工具来呈现的。 对教育博客的研究,无论国内还是国外都积累了相对丰富的理论和实践经验。在前人研究的基础上,深入探究教育博客发展过程中存在的问题并提出规范化的管理措施势在必行。本研究主要运用文献法、比较分析法和观察法,对大量存在的教育博客进行文本内容和形式分析,以期发现其中的问题并提出相应的发展性建议。 研究发现,当前已有的教育博客存在诸多现实问题,不仅关涉到网络形象的建设,而且影响到教育教学的效果。这些现实问题主要包括:教育博客质量参差不齐,网志水平尚待尽快提升:教育博客思想鱼龙混杂,道德意识和规范有待确立;教育博客利用的目的性不明,功利性取向开始初显;政府对教育博客的监管力度不够,制度化建设滞后;教育博客的管理手段不健全,技术存在局限性;博主素养和自控力不一,部分伴有成瘾现象等。 针对现实中教育博客存在的问题,应当采取切实可行的规范化管理措施,从教育博客的作者和使用者、网站服务商、教育管理者和政府等多方面入手开展好相关的管理工作。具体地说就是要科学规范地开展教育博客的内容建设;增进教育博客自律,促进教育博客健康发展;搞好教育博客的利用,引领并发挥其教育教学功能;加强教育博客监管,促进教育博客制度建设;建设大型教育博客网站,努力打造学科型教育博客平台;强化相关教育理论研究,为彰显教育博客价值奠定基础等。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the information age provides a network development platform for the field of education, and gives birth to an attractive and increasingly popular network tool-education blog. Educational blog refers to the blog about education. It is an interactive and practical network tool for educators to upload and publish the educational subject content in the field of education. It has the characteristics of professional education, introspection, improvement and mutual sharing. In education, education blog is usually presented as a tool for carrying teaching information, as a tool for teaching information dissemination, as a tool for educational teaching research and as a tool for teachers' professional development. The research on education blog has accumulated relatively rich theoretical and practical experience both at home and abroad. On the basis of previous studies, it is imperative to probe into the problems existing in the development of educational blog and put forward standardized management measures. This research mainly uses the literature method, the comparative analysis method and the observation method, carries on the text content and the form analysis to the massive existence education blog, in order to discover the question and puts forward the corresponding development suggestion. It is found that there are many practical problems in existing educational blogs, which not only involve the construction of network image, but also affect the effect of education and teaching. These practical problems mainly include: the quality of educational blog is uneven, the level of blog needs to be improved as soon as possible, the educational blog thoughts are mixed, the moral consciousness and standard need to be established, the purpose of using educational blog is not clear. Utilitarian sexual orientation began to show; the government's supervision of education blog is not strong enough, the institutionalization construction lags behind; the educational blog management means is not perfect, technology has limitations; bloggers' literacy and self-control are different, some of them are accompanied by addiction phenomenon. In view of the existing problems of educational blog in reality, we should take practical and practical standardized management measures to carry out the relevant management work from the author and user of educational blog, website service provider, education administrator and government, etc. Specifically, it is necessary to carry out the content construction of educational blogs in a scientific and normative manner; to promote self-discipline of educational blogs and promote the healthy development of educational blogs; to make good use of educational blogs, to lead and give play to their educational and teaching functions; and to strengthen the supervision of educational blogs. To promote the construction of education blog system; to build a large education blog website, to build a discipline education blog platform; to strengthen the relevant education theory research, to lay a foundation for demonstrating the value of education blog, etc.


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