[Abstract]:In the face of the severe financial crisis, the European Commission and the European Union countries have proposed measures to respond in the field of education: efforts to increase investment in human capital through fiscal stimulus, funding and grants, while encouraging the private sector to invest in education, To invest in scientific research; to focus on improving investment effectiveness, including through the introduction of quality monitoring mechanisms for education, to reduce the number of drop-out students and to maximize human capital investment for the general population; and to expand access to vocational and higher education, Effective development of life-long education strategies and structures to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in training in their prime years; skills upgrading programmes are implemented to improve the employability of the workforce through education and training, On the other hand, improve the EU's ability to monitor and provide information on skills matching, promote employment and revive the labour market. The EU's policies and measures not only consider the immediate rescue of the market, but also focus on enhancing the EU's competitiveness and other long-term development goals.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学教育研究院;华南师范大学国际文化学院;
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