[Abstract]:In modern society, the children of migrant workers have become a group that can not be ignored. They move around with their parents, in such a growing environment, their life and learning and other aspects of how to ensure good adaptation and development? How about their psychological development? In this study, the children of migrant workers were studied from the positive aspects, focusing on those individuals who could resist pressure or have psychological resilience, and to study the psychological resilience of junior high school students of migrant workers and their influencing factors. This is the objective requirement of the study of the children of migrant workers and the urgent need of reality. At the same time, it can provide theoretical support and empirical basis for the construction of psychological flexibility. On the basis of literature analysis and questionnaire survey, this study defines the connotation of psychological elasticity of junior high school students of migrant workers, compiles the questionnaire of psychological elasticity of junior high school students of migrant workers, and through exploratory factor analysis. This paper probes into the constituent elements of psychological elasticity, and examines the relationship between the development of psychological elasticity of children of migrant workers and the parents' upbringing behavior and temperament. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The internal structure of psychological elasticity of junior high school students of migrant workers is composed of eight dimensions: self-efficacy, self-cognition, psychological control, goal sense, problem-solving ability, emotional stability, help and participation. 2.The questionnaire of psychological elasticity of junior high school students of migrant workers has good internal consistency reliability and structural validity. 3. There are significant differences in the influence of demographic variables on each dimension of psychological elasticity. 4. 4. The effects of parental rearing behavior and temperament type on the formation of psychological elasticity were discussed. The results showed that parental input had a significant positive effect on psychological elasticity and lack of supervision had a significant negative effect on psychological elasticity. Different temperament types have different effects on mental resilience, and the three temperament types play a significant role in the influence of parents' input and psychological resilience.
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