[Abstract]:Who I am, where I come from, where I want to go, these original questions about soul settlement and cultural belonging are not answered in our unified "national curriculum"; No version of the textbook is convincing to the child as to why I want to learn math and what it really means to me. In a vast and populous country, there are too many gaps in the curriculum. Because of these blank spots, the education received by students is incomplete, and the lack of some contents may even make the development of people "isolated". This may be why the curriculum is divided into three levels. Realistically, however, the landscape is not ideal for the curriculum space thrown to local and schools. It is a common phenomenon that curriculum development is simplified to compiling textbooks. The compilation of teaching materials has become a reprint of teaching aids, which is not uncommon. The lack of knowledge and ability in curriculum development is an important reason, but in the final analysis, it is because of the lack of native consciousness that the curriculum should start from the origin of education, which is the student and the individual student. Because students are surrounded by their different lives. Everyone begins by knowing the things around him, to understand the larger, more abstract world, from the surrounding one tree, one kiss and one friend, to establish the broad feelings of the public. If we ignore this, our education will easily become a castle in the air. From this point of view, we warmly invite you to read the following two articles. Perhaps they just provide a way of thinking, an idea, but we think they open a window here, through this window. We have seen that outside the national curriculum, there are too many things to do, too much room to open up. In a sense, the maturity of this field will represent the maturity of the Chinese curriculum system and the maturity of Chinese education.
【作者单位】: 北京天下溪教育咨询中心;
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