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发布时间:2018-01-24 07:47

  本文关键词: 活动 活动教学 活动方式 有效 操作 出处:《西南大学》2010年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 活动是人存在和发展的基本方式,它是人的本质力量,是人的个体存在、社会生活以及人类历史发展的基础,是一个主体与客体相互转化的过程。鉴于活动是连接主体与客体的通道,人便是在作为主体的自我与作为客体的诸种事物与现象的交互作用中获得发展的,不断实现其本质力量由客体向主体的回归,从而创造出一个新的精神个体,建构其新的心智结构。教育教学体系作为活动的基本存在,不但丰富了活动本身的内涵,更将其中的活动教学发扬光大,实现了活动教学的体系建构,由此,作为活动教学基本方式的活动方式理应成为活动教学的基本构成,并为促进学生的全面发展提供实践切入点和为活动教学理论的发展与建构提供基本理论支持。 活动教学有着悠久的历史,而活动方式也由来已久。但是,在以往的活动教学研究中,对活动方式的解释仅限于对各种活动方式的一般性说明和描述,没有把对活动方式的选择和应用落实到具体实践操作中,使得在学校中进行的所谓的活动教学流于表面和形式,这大大降低了活动教学的有效性。本研究基于对以上问题的深入反思,从哲学、心理学、教育学等方面,对活动与活动教学的基本内涵、结构、特征、运行机制等进行了探讨,明晰了本研究的理论基础及基本概念,并从学生发展与素质生成等价值出发,确立了有效活动教学方式的基本特征及其实践功能,为后续研究提供了理论和阐释框架。 活动方式是活动教学实现的基本手段和基本环节,它体现了活动教学的各种价值表征,我们只有在深刻了解和理解活动教学中活动方式的现实状态的前提下,才能对活动方式的有效性进行理论与实践检证。本研究在总结、归纳、分析由现场观察、活动录像、深度访谈、案例分析等获得的现状调查结果之后发现,活动方式在活动教学中表现出了与学习方式对立、在活动教学理论建构中的缺失、与常用教学方法的混为一谈、活动模式僵化、重花样轻效用等各种问题,这为活动教学有效开展带来了障碍。鉴于此,本研究深刻审视了活动教学中活动方式的影响因素,并对其有效实践提出了策略建构,以为有效活动方式的选择提供方向。 活动教学因其目标和任务性质的差异而要求采取不同的活动方式,只有根据活动教学的目标和任务性质选取的活动方式才具有效用。而这首先需要我们对活动方式本身有清晰的认识,本研究归纳提炼了探究型活动方式、交往型活动方式、体验型活动方式和创造型活动方式四种典型的活动方式,并分别对这四种类型活动方式的内涵、意义、表现类型、操作模式与流程、教学策略、应用要点进行了深层次探索。由于一定的操作模式与流程可以有效地给学校和教师们提供一条达到理想目标的现实化途径,本研究所精炼的四种典型活动方式更多强调的是一种理念的渗透、突出基本操作的要素,注重概括性与引领性,淡化固定程式,力求为教师的创造性发挥提供更大的弹性空间。 评价是教学活动中非常重要的一个环节,对活动方式评价的主要目的在于为教师改进教学方式和学生改进学习方式提供全面而具体的依据,使评价为最大限度地促进每一个学生的各方面素质的全面发展服务。在有效活动方式的评价中,既要看这种活动方式是否有效促进了学生对知识的掌握、能力的提高、智力的发展、个性的养成,还要关注是否有效促进了教师的专业成长、教师与学生的交往以及教学过程的合理性、延续性、效能性等各个方面。鉴于此,本研究的最后一章在分析有效性评价现实失衡的基础上对其进行了重新定位,进而提出对活动方式进行评价所要遵循的原则,最后对活动方式评价的目标制定、实施步骤和方法等操作性问题进行了深入探讨,为活动方式的有效选择和实践提供参考。
[Abstract]:Activity is the basic way of human existence and development, it is the power of human nature, is the individual existence basis of social life and the development of human history, is the process of the conversion of a subject and object. In view of activity is connected to the subject and object of the channel is obtained in the self - development as with all kinds of things and phenomena of object interaction, to realize the essence of power from object to subject regression, thus creating a new spirit of the individual, to construct the new mental structure. Education system as the basic existence of activity, not only enrich the connotation of the activity itself, but will carry forward the teaching activities, the teaching system of construction activities, thus, as a basic form of activity teaching activities should be the basic form of teaching activities, and to provide for fully promote the development of students It provides basic theoretical support for the development and construction of the theory of activity teaching.
Activity teaching has a long history, but also long-standing activities. However, in the previous research and teaching activities, the activities of explanation of the method is limited to general description of various activities and description, not the application and selection of the activities of the implementation of specific practice, making teaching in school the so-called active and superficial form, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of teaching activities. This study in-depth reflection, based on the above problems from philosophy, psychology, education and other aspects, the basic connotation, the teaching activities and the structure, characteristics, operation mechanism is discussed, and the basic concepts of clarity the theoretical basis of this study, and starting from the students' development and quality formation of value, establish the basic characteristics and function of practice teaching mode effective activities, for the follow-up study provides a theoretical explanation and Frame.
Activity is the basic way and link the implementation of teaching activities, it embodies the value representation of activity teaching. The premise of our deep understanding and understanding only activities in the activity teaching mode under the realistic condition, by examining the theory and practice of effectiveness to activities. In this study, summary, induction, analysis by field observation, video, depth interviews, found after the survey results obtained the case analysis, activity in the activity teaching showed antagonism and learning, in the absence of activity in the construction of teaching theory, and teaching methods commonly used in the active mode is rigid, confused, heavy light utility patterns and other issues, the to effectively carry out teaching activities have brought obstacles. In view of this, this dissertation examines the factors affecting the activities in the teaching activities, and the effective practice and puts forward some strategies to build Construct the direction for the choice of the way of effective activity.
Because of the difference of the teaching objectives and tasks of nature and demand different activities, only according to the selected target and task properties of activity teaching activities to be effective. But the activity itself is first of all we need to have a clear understanding of this study summarized the inquiry activities and communicative activities. Experiential activities and creative activities of four kinds of typical activities, and each of these four types of activities the connotation, significance, types, operation mode and process, teaching strategies, application points of deep exploration. Due to the practical way of operation mode and process can be effectively to schools and teachers to provide a desired target, four typical activities in this study refined more emphasis is penetrating a philosophy, highlighting the basic elements for the operation In order to provide more flexible space for the creative exertion of teachers, we should pay more attention to the generality and guidance and desalination of the fixed program.
Evaluation is a very important link in the teaching activities, the main purpose of the evaluation activities is to provide a comprehensive and concrete basis for the improvement of learning methods for teachers to improve teaching methods and students, make the evaluation in order to maximize the promotion of each student's all-round development of all aspects of the quality of the service. In the evaluation of effective way of activities in this way, not only to look at the activities effectively promoted the students to master the knowledge, ability, intelligence development, the cultivation of personality, but also pay attention to whether to effectively promote the professional development of teachers, teachers and students communicative rationality, and the teaching process continuity, all aspects of performance. In view of this, the final part of this paper based on the analysis of the reality of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the imbalance on the re positioning, and then put forward to evaluate the activities of the principles to be followed, at the end of the In order to provide a reference for the effective selection and practice of the activity mode, the operational problems such as the target formulation, the implementation steps and the methods of the evaluation of the activities are discussed.



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