本文关键词: 区域教育发展状况 教育评价 评价模型 教育基尼系数 PLS-SEM 出处:《南京航空航天大学》2010年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文运用现代管理学、系统论、教育评价学与统计学的相关理论和方法,采用规范研究与实证分析相结合、横向比较与纵向分析相结合的方法,从区域基础教育与高等教育的整体水平、教育成就公平、区域教育系统内部统计特征、重要教育指标数据的国际比较等方面全面深入、系统地探讨了我国区域教育发展的状况。 首先,在分析比较国内外教育指标体系基础上,以CIPP为概念模式,构建了理论层面的区域教育指标体系。采用PLS-SEM对指标体系进行维度验证、指标筛选及权重计算,确定了适用于实证量化的指标体系。根据C. Guinot等人基于PLS-SEM提出的复数据表分析法,构造了区域教育整体水平测评模型。通过计算综合指数,对各省区基础、高等教育发展状况进行排序和比较。采用聚类分析对省级层面的基础、高等教育发展现况及特点进行总结。并考察了江苏省基础、高等教育在全国省级区间的位置。 其次,对我国区域教育公平发展状况及影响因素进行研究。采用世界银行教育基尼系数公式,测评了全国和江苏省1982~2008年教育成就公平状况。通过对教育基尼系数进行分解,考察影响教育公平的主要因素。结果表明,随着平均受教育年限增长,教育成就公平在逐步改善;发展因素仍是影响教育成就公平的首要原因,其次为性别因素。 再次,以UNESCO世界教育指标体系为理论框架,选择相关指标,构造我国教育系统PLS-SEM。分别对省域基础和高等教育系统统计特征进行分析,探究区域教育系统内部关系。 最后,选择经费投入、教育参与及教育产出三类中的重要教育指标进行纵向和横向国际比较,结果表明:我国及江苏省教育经费投入比例在低水平徘徊;小学及初中毛入学率已与发达国家持平,高等教育毛入学率也已赶上甚至超越中等发展国家水平,但学前及高中教育与同发展水平国家存在一定差距;成人识字率已超过发展中国家平均水平并接近发达国家平均水平,教育指数已高于世界平均水平并达到中等收入国家平均水平,但仍低于泰国和巴西;平均受教育年限及教育公平程度与发达国家还有很大差距,也逊色于同发展水平的泰国。 根据实证研究结论提出相关对策建议:以区域教育评价为抓手,引导区域教育优质均衡发展;重视教育指标研究,建立教育指标信息资料库;引入教育政策评价,提升教育决策科学化水平;建立教育问责机制,保障区域教育优先发展;及提升江苏教育发展水平三大举措。
[Abstract]:Based on the theories and methods of modern management, system theory, educational evaluation and statistics, this paper adopts the methods of combining normative research with empirical analysis, horizontal comparison and longitudinal analysis. From the aspects of the overall level of regional basic education and higher education, the equity of educational achievement, the internal statistical characteristics of regional education system, and the international comparison of important educational index data, this paper systematically discusses the status of regional education development in China. First of all, on the basis of analyzing and comparing the domestic and foreign education index system, taking CIPP as the concept mode, the paper constructs the regional education index system at the theoretical level. The index system is verified by PLS-SEM, the index is screened and the weight is calculated. The index system suitable for empirical quantification is determined. Based on the complex data table analysis method proposed by C. Guinot et al. Based on PLS-SEM, the evaluation model of the whole level of regional education is constructed. Through the calculation of comprehensive index, the foundation of each province and district is analyzed. The development of higher education is sorted and compared. The basis of provincial level, the current situation and characteristics of higher education development are summarized by cluster analysis, and the position of Jiangsu foundation and higher education in the provincial level of China is investigated. Secondly, this paper studies the development of regional education equity in China and its influencing factors. By using the Gini coefficient formula of the World Bank, the author evaluates the status of educational achievement equity in China and Jiangsu Province from 1982 to 2008. The educational Gini coefficient is decomposed. The results show that with the increase of the average number of years of education, the equity of educational achievement is gradually improved, while the factor of development is still the primary factor affecting the equity of educational achievement, followed by the factor of gender. Thirdly, taking the UNESCO world education index system as the theoretical framework and selecting the relevant indicators, we construct our country's education system PLS-SEM. We analyze the statistical characteristics of the provincial foundation and higher education system, and explore the internal relations of the regional education system. Finally, select three important education indicators of investment, educational participation and educational output to carry on the vertical and horizontal international comparison. The results show that the proportion of educational expenditure in our country and Jiangsu Province is hovering in the low level; The gross enrolment ratio of primary and junior middle schools has been equal to that of developed countries, and the gross enrolment rate of higher education has also caught up with or even surpassed the level of middle developing countries, but there is a certain gap between pre-school and high school education and countries with development level. Adult literacy rates have exceeded the average in developing countries and are close to the average in developed countries, and the education index has been higher than the world average and reached the average in middle-income countries, but still below Thailand and Brazil; The average number of years of schooling and the degree of educational equity are still far behind those of developed countries, and are inferior to Thailand's with the same level of development. According to the conclusions of the empirical research, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions: take regional education evaluation as the starting point, guide the balanced development of regional education quality, attach importance to the research of educational indicators, establish the information database of educational indicators, introduce the evaluation of education policy. To improve the scientific level of educational decision-making, to establish educational accountability mechanism, to ensure the priority development of regional education, and to improve the educational development level of Jiangsu Province.
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