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发布时间:2018-04-03 18:20

  本文选题:内蒙古地区大学生 切入点:心理咨询预期 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着我国心理健康教育事业的发展,心理咨询已成为大学生心理健康教育的一个重要途径。如何提高心理咨询的效果也成为许多心理咨询工作者关注的问题。寻求心理咨询是一种求助行为,个体对于求助心理咨询的态度又会影响其求助行为,而人们对心理咨询的预期又会影响人们对求助心理咨询的态度。了解求助者进入咨询中心时对心理咨询预期的特点,就更容易设计有效的帮助策略。关于心理咨询预期,国外的研究起步较早,研究也比较深入,探索了人口学变量、心理学变量和社会文化变量等因素对心理咨询预期的影响。研究表明,对于心理咨询的预期受不同文化、不同民族、不同价值观的影响,因此国外关于大学生心理咨询预期的研究并不能告诉我们中国大学生面对心理困扰时的咨询预期特点。基于这种状况,研究内蒙古地区大学生的心理咨询预期特点及其影响因素,并建构相应的理论模型是必要和可行的。本研究采用问卷调查法,运用翻译的《心理咨询预期简表》和自选的问卷,以内蒙古地区不同高校895名学生为研究对象,对其心理咨询预期的特点进行分析,并采用多元逐步回归等统计方法探索对内蒙古地区大学生心理咨询预期有影响作用的重要预测源。 研究结果表明: 1.内蒙古地区大学生整体对心理咨询的预期较高。说明内蒙古地区的大学生对心理咨询报有积极乐观态度,但另一方面也说明对心理咨询存在过于理想化的预期。 2.内蒙古地区大学生对个人在咨询中投入的预期显著低于对咨询师的预期。 3.内蒙古地区女性大学生对咨询的预期高于男性大学生。说明在咨询中女性大学生来访者会更为积极乐观。 4.内蒙古地区汉族大学生对心理的咨询预期高于蒙古族学生。在“来访者个人投入”因子的预期上汉族具有高于蒙古族的预期。在“咨询师的素质与技能”因子上,不同民族的预期具有显著性差异,在具体化、对峙、可信赖度和真诚四个维度上汉族学生也比蒙古族学生有较高的预期。 5.大学生对心理咨询的预期存在着年级差异:大一学生对心理咨询的预期最高,有过于理想化的倾向;二年级学生对心理咨询预期最低,三年级学生有所上升,四年级学生趋于客观。 6.不同专业大学生的咨询预期不同,理工科学生比文科学生对心理咨询的预期要高。 7.具有心理咨询经验的个体在对心理咨询的预期比没有心理咨询经验的学生对心理咨询的预期要客观。 8.亚洲文化价值观中的三个因子:自控、个人成功、家庭名誉,心理健康控制源总分均对内蒙古地区大学生咨询预期中的个人投入有显著的预测作用;自控、循规蹈矩、个人成功、心理健康控制源和社会成见对“咨询师的素质与技能”有较高的预期。 9.心理健康控制源对于心理咨询预期也有显著影响。内控的个体比外控的个体对于心理咨询持有更加接受的态度,而且在遇到心理问题时也更可能寻求心理咨询的帮助。内控的个体更愿意付出努力解决自己的心理问题,也更愿意寻求心理咨询的帮助来解决自己的问题。 10.个体对于心理咨询的社会成见的担心越高,对“咨询师的素质与技能”的预期降低,在遇到心理问题时选择心理咨询的可能性就越小。 11.价值观对咨询预期具有中等程度的影响,其中自控、家庭名誉、循规蹈矩和对个人成功的追求,对咨询中“个人投入”和“咨询师素质和技能”的不同维度具有不同程度的影响。
[Abstract]:With the development of mental health education in our country , psychological counseling has become an important way for the psychological health education of college students .

The results show that :

1 . The overall expectation of college students in Inner Mongolia is higher than that of psychological counseling . It shows that college students in Inner Mongolia are positive and optimistic about psychological counseling , but on the other hand , they also show that there is too much idealization for psychological counseling .

2 . The expectation of college students ' input in consultation is significantly lower than that of consultants .

3 . Female college students in Inner Mongolia are expected to be higher than male college students .

4 . The psychological counseling of Han college students in Inner Mongolia is higher than that of Mongolian students . In the expectation of " personal input of visitors " , the Han nationality is higher than that of Mongolian students . In the " quality and skills " factor of the consultant , the expectations of different nationalities have significant differences . In the concretization , confrontation , credibility and sincerity , the Han students in the four dimensions are also higher than those of Mongolian students .

5 . There is a difference between college students ' expectation of psychological counseling : big one ' s expectation of psychological counseling is the highest , there is too much idealization tendency ; second - grade students have the lowest expectation of psychological counseling , third - grade students have risen , and the fourth - grade students tend to be objective .

6 . The consulting expectation of different majors is different , and the students of science and engineering are higher than those of liberal arts students .

7 . Students with psychological counseling experience are expected to be objective in the expectation of psychological counseling than those without psychological counseling .

8 . Three factors in Asian cultural values : self - control , personal success , family reputation , and mental health control sources have significant predictors of personal investment in the college students ' consultation expectations in Inner Mongolia ; self - control , rule - based , personal success , mental health control sources and social stereotypes have higher expectations for " quality and skills of consultants " .

9 . The mental health control source has significant influence on the expectation of psychological counseling . Internal control individuals are more receptive to psychological counseling than those of external control , and may also be more likely to seek psychological counseling when confronted with psychological problems . Internal control individuals are more willing to pay their efforts to solve their mental problems , and they are more willing to seek help from psychological counseling to solve their problems .

10 . The higher the individual ' s concern about psychological counseling , the higher the expectation of " quality and skills of consultants " , the less the possibility of choosing psychological counseling when confronted with psychological problems .

11 . Values have a moderate impact on consultancy expectations , including self - control , family honour , compliance and the pursuit of individual success , with varying degrees of impact on the different dimensions of " individual inputs " and " quality and skills of consultants " .



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