blended learning 的翻译结果
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blended learning
The article introduces the basic theories and strategies of enforcing blended learning in distance education.
Design and realization method of creative learning based on blended learning pattern
The Action Research of Applying Blended Learning to Modern Educational Technology Curriculum in Traditional Normal University
Applying blended learning to distance education is important to improve learning results and educational quality.
This thesis begins with all kinds of its definitions of blended learning and then analyzes the characters of blended learning under the environment of the internet and presents related study and multimedia college English teaching.
Design, Development and Application of Blended Learning System
A Study of Blended Learning for Information Technology and Geography Course Integration
What is more, the ASP-based actualizing technology of "Simple Choice" DLS is also presented, and three modes of applying "Simple Choice" DLS to teaching are analyzed combined with teaching practice: applying "Simple Choice" DLS to complete e-Learning, Blended Learning and finally to web-based informal learning.
在此基础上,本文作者提出了一个基于分布式认知与知识管理思想的e-Learning系统——“先创”分布式学习系统(SimChoice Distributed Learning System,SimChoiceDLS)模型,并介绍了基于ASP的实现技术,然后结合教学实践分析了分别将本系统用于教学实践的三种方式,即:独立的e-Learning、用于混合式学习(Blended Learning)以及用于网络团体中的非正式学习三种应用模式。
The core aim of blended learning combines the advantage of traditional classroom teaching with the advantage of E-learning, and effectively increases the performance of learning.
The Research of Blended Learning in Physics of High School
The Instructional Design and Strategy of Blended Learning
The traditional model of instructional design still applies to the instructional design of blended learning and the fundamental matter about instructional strategy of blended learning that needed to thought is the basic character of organizing demand and network learning.
传统的教学设计(Instructional Design)模式仍然适用于混成学习的教学设计,混成学习的教学策略需要考虑的基本问题是组织需求与网络学习的基本特质。
Blended learning is the harmonious blending of the traditional classroom instruction and E-Learning.
混成学习(B lended Learn ing)是传统课堂教学和在线学习E-Learn ing的有机融合。
Blended Learning:the New Trend of Electronic-learning
Blended Learning:数字化学习方式的新趋势
Analysis of the application of blended learning in teachers' education
Blended Learning在教师教育中的应用探析
Research on Blended Learning Theory and the Development of Its Support System
Blended Learning理论研究及其支持系统开发
Blended Learning and Teaching Listening with Multimedia:An Empirical Perspective
Blended Learning与多媒体英语听力实验课程教学的实证研究
Blended Learning is a hot topic on educational technology. It is the blended outcome of the combination of the Traditional Classroom learning and E-learning.
Blended Learning是教育技术关注的热点,是传统的课堂学习与E-learning由对立走向融合的产物。
查询“blended learning”译词为用户自定义的双语例句
blended learning
The other side of the LMS: Considering implementation and use in the adoption of an LMS in online and blended learning environme
Creating next generation blended learning environments using mixed reality, Video Games and Simulations
Whether in distance or blended learning, online forums can provide either an exclusive discussion or a supplement to in-class discussion.
"The need for learning in a knowledge-based society is more important than ever, including traditional classroom teaching, online learning, and/or blended learning" (Levitch >amp;amp; Milheim, 2003).
Research focusing on 'blended learning' that combines face-to-face and online interaction is limited in terms of considering how group dynamics impact groups that are constituted and reconstituted in the two very different learning contexts.
E-learning has been widely accepted,however,there are not many systems which can realize it well now.The article brings in intelligent agent technology and sets up a E-learning system including teacher agent,student agent and so on.The article also deals with the relationship between autonomous learning and collaborative learning,on which a blending learning mode is established.
With the development of human and the society's progressing,the blending learning has becoming more and more fashionable.It is to optimize choosing and make up to all study key elements and make results of learning and study's costs get to least.the intrinsic coherence of between blending learning and AECT'04 new definition lie in the most effective learning and improve the performance.It can expand learner's chance of participating in study,improve efficiency,reduce the learning...
With the development of human and the society's progressing,the blending learning has becoming more and more fashionable.It is to optimize choosing and make up to all study key elements and make results of learning and study's costs get to least.the intrinsic coherence of between blending learning and AECT'04 new definition lie in the most effective learning and improve the performance.It can expand learner's chance of participating in study,improve efficiency,reduce the learning cost,optimize the results of learning if we carry on blending learning.It need analyse learner,learning content,study cost,media choosing.
This paper gives a blended learning mode integrating traditional distance education with E-learning advantages in accordance with the demand of domestic distance education, and further puts forward the blending process, type and strategies. The design of the learning system in distance education should be in line with distance education process. We designed and developed a blended learning system, including administration system, learning management system, learning...
This paper gives a blended learning mode integrating traditional distance education with E-learning advantages in accordance with the demand of domestic distance education, and further puts forward the blending process, type and strategies. The design of the learning system in distance education should be in line with distance education process. We designed and developed a blended learning system, including administration system, learning management system, learning resources system, virtual community system, learning assessment system and quality management system. Based on the practice of learning management system of Shanghai TV University, the paper provides the blended learning design process method, and makes a summary of learning effect.
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