发布时间:2018-08-26 10:31
【摘要】: 学习动机是引发学习者学习行为的驱力,它可以激发学习者产生强烈的求知欲、高涨的学习热情。如何激发学生的学习动机?这在教育心理学中是个亘古不变的问题。从早期弗洛伊德的本能论、马斯洛的需要论,到斯金纳的强化理论、洛克的目标论、韦纳的归因论、阿特金森的成就动机理论、班杜拉的自我效能理论等,关于学习动机的理论层出不穷;而在教育教学中,不同的研究者也构建出一系列激发学习者学习动机的模型,比较著名的如凯勒的ARCS动机设计模型、沃德科沃斯基的TC动机模型、Ames的TARGET动机设计模型等。 网络学习共同体指的是由于共同目标、共同兴趣爱好等所结成的学习群体,成员之间经常在学习过程中进行沟通、交流、分享各种学习资源,使得成员之间形成相互影响、相互促进的关系;同时,作为参与主体,成员对共同体具有一定程度的认同感、心理归属感,以及责任感。要使得学习共同体朝着预期的方向发展,考虑如何激发共同体成员的学习动机是必不可少的一个要素。本文通过对现有资源进行分析,查阅相关文献、选取案例观察与体验、进行网络调查、网络访谈等一系列研究环节,主要包括以下内容: 1.共同体一词的发展 网络学习共同体中的“共同体”一词最早来源于社会学腾尼斯的研究,最初是作为“社会”一词的对立面而存在。滕尼斯用共同体来强调人与人之间共同的精神意识及对共同体的归属感、认同感。在腾尼斯思想传播的同时,受不同国家、地区状况,研究者不同的研究路径,以及翻译的影响,该词的涵义几经变化。当代信息社会下再来探讨共同体的概念,已经大不同于当初腾尼斯所提的古老的共同体,其内涵也发生了巨大的变化:“当代意义上的共同体,是个体寻求独立和归属两个方向的张力。” 2.国内外关于网络学习共同体和学习动机的研究综述 对网络学习共同体的研究主要集中在探讨其构成策略与构建模式上,更深层次的研究表现为研究共同体内成员之间的交互,以及与本研究相关的成员激励等。国内外对学习动机的研究主要包括以下几个方面:动机理论研究、动机模型研究、网络教与学中学习动机的激发策略研究、成人网络学习动机的研究、学习动机的实践研究等。 3.与本文相关的理论基础及其指导作用 社会建构主义的思想,为个体成长和共同体发展之间的互动关系提供了理论基础,依据社会建构主义理论,学习者与其所处的社会是相互联系、密不可分的;人类学情境学习理论中的“实践共同体”思想为网络学习共同体中参与主体合法的边缘参与提供了参照,任何时刻共同体内都同时存在着新手、老手与专家等角色,随着参与的深入,成员所扮演的角色会相应发生转变;根据群体动力理论,人们结成的群体是处于不断相互作用、相互适应的过程中,群体目标、规范等不仅影响群体成员的发展,也影响群体水平与群体绩效,考虑如何激发学习共同体参与主体的学习动机,应有效利用群体的激励作用。 4.动机模型的直接指导作用 借鉴TC动机模型的时间序列特征,激发与维持网络学习共同体中参与主体的学习动机可以划分为三大阶段:自发阶段的动机激发策略、主动参与阶段的动机维持策略、共同努力阶段的动机强化策略;同时,借鉴文化回应性教学激励模型的四个动机条件,可以认为:在网络学习共同体中,共同体归属感的建立是参与主体学习动机的开启;积极参与是维持参与主体学习动机的保障;成员之间由交流、对话、协商所实现的意义建构与强烈的学习意义是主体学习动机的源泉;参与主体之间的积极互动、及时反馈是使共同体充满活力、茁壮成长的主要动力。 5.激发与维持网络学习共同体参与主体学习动机的策略 基于以上理论分析与设想,本研究对如何激发与维持网络学习共同体参与主体的学习动机,给出一些有意义的且可行的动机策略:准备主题学习资源吸引人员加入、鼓励共同体成员多方面共享信息、设立奖惩规范营造激励环境、运用“榜样激励”提高成员参与积极性、善用提问引发成员讨论、体验学习变化丰富成员学习进程、帮助成员体验学习成就感、促进成员形成心理归属感、培养成员生成对共同体的责任感。 6.网络学习共同体参与主体的学习动机个案研究 结合文化回应性教学激励模型的四个动机条件,自编《“教育技术思考”会员的学习动机调查问卷》,对本研究所选具体案例中成员的动机现状进行实证调查,调查数据采用t检验、方差分析等统计方法,结果表明:性别、浏览频率、注册时间长短、职业等因素对成员的学习动机有较大影响;随后,采取访谈法对管理人员就论坛在激励成员积极参与方面所做的努力做了深入访谈,得出以下几点启示:重视培养成员责任感,增强“共同体意识”;引入学科专家,注入新鲜空气;发挥群体力量,促进群体智慧的生成。
[Abstract]:Learning motivation is the driving force that triggers learners'learning behavior. It can stimulate learners' strong thirst for knowledge and high learning enthusiasm. How to stimulate students'learning motivation? This is an eternal problem in educational psychology. From Freud's instinct theory, Maslow's need theory, to Skinner's reinforcement theory, Locke Goal theory, Werner's attribution theory, Atkinson's achievement motivation theory, Bandura's self-efficacy theory and so on emerge in endlessly; while in education and teaching, different researchers have also constructed a series of models to stimulate learners'learning motivation, such as Keller's ARCS motivation design model, Wardko. Voski's TC motivation model, Ames's TARGET motivation design model and so on.
E-learning community refers to the learning community formed by common goals, interests and hobbies. Members often communicate, communicate and share various learning resources in the learning process, so that members interact with each other and promote each other. At the same time, as participants, members have a certain degree of community. In order to make the learning community develop in the desired direction, it is necessary to consider how to stimulate the learning motivation of the members of the learning community. A series of research links include:
1. the development of the word community
The term "community" in the E-learning community originated from Tennis'research in sociology and originally existed as the opposite of the word "society". Tennis used the community to emphasize the common spiritual awareness between people and their sense of belonging and identity to the community. The meaning of the word has changed several times. In the contemporary information society, the concept of community is different from that of the ancient community proposed by Tennis, and its connotation has changed dramatically: "Community in the contemporary sense is an individual seeking independence." The tension in two directions.
2. a summary of researches on online learning community and learning motivation both at home and abroad
The research on E-learning community mainly focuses on the exploration of its composition strategies and construction patterns, and the deeper research is to study the interaction among the members of the community, and the motivation of the members related to this study.The research on learning motivation at home and abroad mainly includes the following aspects: motivation theory research, motivation model research. Research, network teaching and learning motivation stimulation strategy research, adult network learning motivation research, learning motivation practice research.
3. the theoretical basis and guiding role related to this article.
The idea of social constructivism provides a theoretical basis for the interaction between individual growth and community development. According to the theory of social constructivism, learners and the society they live in are interrelated and inseparable. The marginal participation of the law provides a reference. At any time, the roles of novice, veteran and expert exist in the community. With the deepening of the participation, the roles played by members will change accordingly. According to the theory of group dynamics, the groups formed by people are in the process of continuous interaction, mutual adaptation, group goals, norms and so on. It not only affects the development of group members, but also affects the group level and group performance. Considering how to stimulate the learning motivation of the participants in the learning community, we should make effective use of the group incentive.
4. direct guidance of motivation models
According to the time series characteristics of TC motivation model, the motivation of participants in E-learning community can be divided into three stages: motivation motivation motivation strategy in spontaneous stage, Motivation Maintenance Strategy in active participation stage, motivation reinforcement strategy in joint efforts stage, and culture-responsive teaching motivation model. Four motivation conditions can be considered as follows: in the E-learning community, the establishment of community belonging is the opening of participants'learning motivation; active participation is the guarantee of maintaining participants' learning motivation; the meaning construction and strong learning meaning realized by communication, dialogue and consultation among members are the source of participants'learning motivation; Active interaction between the subjects and timely feedback are the main driving force for the community to thrive and thrive.
5. strategies to stimulate and maintain the learning motivation of online learning community participants.
Based on the above theoretical analysis and assumptions, this study gives some meaningful and feasible motivation strategies on how to stimulate and maintain the learning motivation of the participants in the e-learning community: preparing thematic learning resources to attract people to join, encouraging members of the community to share information in many ways, setting up reward and punishment norms to create an incentive environment, and using " Model motivation can improve the enthusiasm of members to participate, make good use of questioning to trigger members'discussion, enrich the learning process of members by experiencing changes in learning, help members experience the sense of learning achievement, promote members to form a sense of psychological belonging, and cultivate members' sense of responsibility to the community.
6. case study on learning motivation of participants in e-learning community
Combining the four motivation conditions of the cultural responsive teaching incentive model, the author compiles a self-compiled Questionnaire on Learning Motivation of Members of "Educational Technology Thinking" and conducts an empirical investigation on the motivation status of the selected members in the specific cases of the institute. The survey data are analyzed by t-test and variance analysis. The results show that: gender, browsing frequency, registration time. The length, occupation and other factors have a greater impact on the learning motivation of the members; subsequently, interviews were conducted with managers on the forum to encourage members to participate actively in the efforts made by the following enlightenments: attaching importance to cultivating the sense of responsibility of members, strengthening the "community awareness"; introducing subject experts, injecting fresh air; The group strength can be promoted to promote the generation of group wisdom.
[Abstract]:Learning motivation is the driving force that triggers learners'learning behavior. It can stimulate learners' strong thirst for knowledge and high learning enthusiasm. How to stimulate students'learning motivation? This is an eternal problem in educational psychology. From Freud's instinct theory, Maslow's need theory, to Skinner's reinforcement theory, Locke Goal theory, Werner's attribution theory, Atkinson's achievement motivation theory, Bandura's self-efficacy theory and so on emerge in endlessly; while in education and teaching, different researchers have also constructed a series of models to stimulate learners'learning motivation, such as Keller's ARCS motivation design model, Wardko. Voski's TC motivation model, Ames's TARGET motivation design model and so on.
E-learning community refers to the learning community formed by common goals, interests and hobbies. Members often communicate, communicate and share various learning resources in the learning process, so that members interact with each other and promote each other. At the same time, as participants, members have a certain degree of community. In order to make the learning community develop in the desired direction, it is necessary to consider how to stimulate the learning motivation of the members of the learning community. A series of research links include:
1. the development of the word community
The term "community" in the E-learning community originated from Tennis'research in sociology and originally existed as the opposite of the word "society". Tennis used the community to emphasize the common spiritual awareness between people and their sense of belonging and identity to the community. The meaning of the word has changed several times. In the contemporary information society, the concept of community is different from that of the ancient community proposed by Tennis, and its connotation has changed dramatically: "Community in the contemporary sense is an individual seeking independence." The tension in two directions.
2. a summary of researches on online learning community and learning motivation both at home and abroad
The research on E-learning community mainly focuses on the exploration of its composition strategies and construction patterns, and the deeper research is to study the interaction among the members of the community, and the motivation of the members related to this study.The research on learning motivation at home and abroad mainly includes the following aspects: motivation theory research, motivation model research. Research, network teaching and learning motivation stimulation strategy research, adult network learning motivation research, learning motivation practice research.
3. the theoretical basis and guiding role related to this article.
The idea of social constructivism provides a theoretical basis for the interaction between individual growth and community development. According to the theory of social constructivism, learners and the society they live in are interrelated and inseparable. The marginal participation of the law provides a reference. At any time, the roles of novice, veteran and expert exist in the community. With the deepening of the participation, the roles played by members will change accordingly. According to the theory of group dynamics, the groups formed by people are in the process of continuous interaction, mutual adaptation, group goals, norms and so on. It not only affects the development of group members, but also affects the group level and group performance. Considering how to stimulate the learning motivation of the participants in the learning community, we should make effective use of the group incentive.
4. direct guidance of motivation models
According to the time series characteristics of TC motivation model, the motivation of participants in E-learning community can be divided into three stages: motivation motivation motivation strategy in spontaneous stage, Motivation Maintenance Strategy in active participation stage, motivation reinforcement strategy in joint efforts stage, and culture-responsive teaching motivation model. Four motivation conditions can be considered as follows: in the E-learning community, the establishment of community belonging is the opening of participants'learning motivation; active participation is the guarantee of maintaining participants' learning motivation; the meaning construction and strong learning meaning realized by communication, dialogue and consultation among members are the source of participants'learning motivation; Active interaction between the subjects and timely feedback are the main driving force for the community to thrive and thrive.
5. strategies to stimulate and maintain the learning motivation of online learning community participants.
Based on the above theoretical analysis and assumptions, this study gives some meaningful and feasible motivation strategies on how to stimulate and maintain the learning motivation of the participants in the e-learning community: preparing thematic learning resources to attract people to join, encouraging members of the community to share information in many ways, setting up reward and punishment norms to create an incentive environment, and using " Model motivation can improve the enthusiasm of members to participate, make good use of questioning to trigger members'discussion, enrich the learning process of members by experiencing changes in learning, help members experience the sense of learning achievement, promote members to form a sense of psychological belonging, and cultivate members' sense of responsibility to the community.
6. case study on learning motivation of participants in e-learning community
Combining the four motivation conditions of the cultural responsive teaching incentive model, the author compiles a self-compiled Questionnaire on Learning Motivation of Members of "Educational Technology Thinking" and conducts an empirical investigation on the motivation status of the selected members in the specific cases of the institute. The survey data are analyzed by t-test and variance analysis. The results show that: gender, browsing frequency, registration time. The length, occupation and other factors have a greater impact on the learning motivation of the members; subsequently, interviews were conducted with managers on the forum to encourage members to participate actively in the efforts made by the following enlightenments: attaching importance to cultivating the sense of responsibility of members, strengthening the "community awareness"; introducing subject experts, injecting fresh air; The group strength can be promoted to promote the generation of group wisdom.
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