[Abstract]:In recent years, distance education in Jiangxi Province has been developing rapidly, especially in the field of adult education, distance education as a means or model has become increasingly important. Many colleges and universities have their own network teaching platform, although there is still a modern distance education in Jiangxi, but in the form of teaching organization, network teaching has been widely used. At present, there are still many problems in the development of adult distance education in our province, especially in the aspects of educational quality and standardized management, such as the unclear status of running a school, the lack of integration and sharing of remote teaching resources, and the lack of professional distance education administrators. The construction and development of the adult distance education system in Jiangxi Province are seriously affected by the general teaching quality and the inadequate service of the network teaching platform. The development of adult distance education in economically underdeveloped provinces such as Jiangxi is not easy, the material foundation is weak, the local financial resources are limited, the distribution of educational resources is seriously uneven, people treat adult education, and the concept of distance education is backward. Especially our province does not have a modern distance education college of the Ministry of Education at present, there is no distance education enrollment qualification, these unfavorable factors will affect the adult distance education in Jiangxi Province to become bigger and stronger. This paper analyzes the relevant theories of distance education and summarizes the relevant materials of distance education in some colleges and universities in the province, investigates some enterprises and institutions in the province, and analyzes the present situation of adult distance education in our province. The possibility of constructing adult distance education system in Jiangxi Province is discussed from three aspects: the development of adult education, the acceptance of continuing and distance education by employees in Jiangxi Province and the resources of Jiangxi colleges and universities. In the process of solving the difficulties and establishing the system, the author draws lessons from the experience of other provinces and cities on the construction of distance education, expounds the concept and connotation of "distance education supermarket", and on this basis, according to the relevant principles of education evaluation, This paper puts forward the evaluation principle of distance education for adult distance education, establishes the evaluation system of third party, and puts forward the possible problems existing in the evaluation system. After expounding the suggestions and countermeasures, the author emphasizes that only the department in charge of education should attach importance to the development of adult distance education, strengthen the theoretical research of distance education, pay close attention to teaching quality management, and coordinate the relations among the distant teaching units in the province. In order to build Jiangxi adult distance education system smoothly.
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