[Abstract]:At the end of Qing Dynasty, the group of students was produced by the will of the government, and the students deviated from the purpose of the will of the government. The relationship between the students and the government determined the historical trend of the end of the government in the late Qing Dynasty. Taking Zhejiang students in the late Qing Dynasty as an example, this paper analyzes the qualitative changes in the relationship between the government and the traditional employers and those to be employed as a result of the abolition of the Imperial examination, and the blockage of the communication channels between the two in the student event leads to the same and different paths. The main reasons for the difficulty in looking forward to each other in the world lie in the difference of values, the different pace between the central and local governments, the blockage of the rising channels of the traditional society, and the fact that the school is apt to spread the revolution. Students played the role of grave diggers in the late Qing Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 浙江越秀外国语学院科研处;
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