[Abstract]:Objective to evaluate the network use and mental health of vocational high school students and analyze the psychological factors affecting the network use. Methods 903 students in 3 grades of a vocational middle school in Dongguan City were investigated with questionnaires on their mental health and network use, and the psychological factors affecting their use of the network were analyzed. Results 125 cases (14.0%) had internet use problems, among which 7 cases (0.78%) were Internet addicts. 39.0% of the students had an obvious tendency of overall mental ill health. The detection rate of various psychological problems from high to low were learning stress (13.9%), poor adaptation (10.3%), emotional imbalance (9.3%), interpersonal tension and sensitivity (9.3%), anxiety (8.4%). Compulsion (7.7%), hostility (6.3%), paranoia (6.3%), depression (6.0%), psychological imbalance (5.0%). The four main psychological problems affecting network use were emotional imbalance, maladjustment, depression and learning stress. Conclusion there are obvious mental health problems in vocational senior high school students, and there is a close relationship between psychological problems and network usage. The role of specific age and learning style in the emergence of psychological problems should be paid more attention to.
【作者单位】: 广东医学院心理学教研室;北京大学医学部医学心理学教研室;
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